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UPSMON - Urban Patrol Script Mon

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Hi Monsada,

Thanks again for your work:)

I did several tests.

I'm noticing some differences between the current version and older about AI behaviour.

Imho, AI is now more aggressive (less conservative) but maybe not in an appropriate and realistic way.

Some of the enemies (not all) often try to get too close to the player (stealth mode?) without using weapons.

Sometimes i see an enemy that crawls on the ground very close to me: it as a clear vision of the battlefield and threat but does not use weapons....

I think they should stop before at some distance and start shooting instead

What do you think?


Edited by fideco

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hi fideco,

Maybe is because using move instead of waypoints as did before, Let me check it

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By the way, does the script do anything to consider things like whether to send AT VS armor, AA vs air and not send riflemen against armor?

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I slightly modified UPSMON - Whenever UPSMON does setVariable "KRON_lastknownpos" it's also saving last known time and placing a trigger on that position that will be later used to check if the target is too close to enemies.

Of course you will probably have to modify it to work even if the target does not have a trigger set (as in, not a viable artillery target) or just remove the whole trigger thing and implement the safe distance in a different way, as well as making it work for all sides rather than just bluefor vs opfor and possibly making a better implementation for the "lastknowntime".

1 problem I had with this is that when you set dispersion for the artillery module, it doesn't work if you're using non-spawn (realistic) mode, and if you do use spawn mode then the dispersion seems to only be correct at maximum range, and lower at closer ranges, while what I really want is manual dispersion (that is, "enemy might have moved so spread the arounds in a 100m radius", and not the current "set artillery battery to have X inaccuracy"). But that's something that needs to be changed in the artillery module itself :(

Hopefully you can make better and smarter artillery using the artillery module in a similar fashion, so that real artillery is fired rather than just some shells being spawned.


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Hi Monsada,

Thanks again for your work:)

I did several tests.

I'm noticing some differences between the current version and older about AI behaviour.

Imho, AI is now more aggressive (less conservative) but maybe not in an appropriate and realistic way.

Some of the enemies (not all) often try to get too close to the player (stealth mode?) without using weapons.

Sometimes i see an enemy that crawls on the ground very close to me: it as a clear vision of the battlefield and threat but does not use weapons....

I think they should stop before at some distance and start shooting instead

What do you think?


I reworked waypoints way for moving, try last beta and tell me.


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Not sure why, but units under "NOMOVE" seem to sometimes (or often?) stay at their starting position even after an enemy is detected (they do go into combat mode).

Also, the "NOSLOW" parameter seems to still get them to patrol in "SAFE" and "SLOW".

---------- Post added at 08:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:54 PM ----------

Even when using the "NOWP" parameter they will still change to safe mode. This seems to simply be a bug.

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Not sure why, but units under "NOMOVE" seem to sometimes (or often?) stay at their starting position even after an enemy is detected (they do go into combat mode).

Also, the "NOSLOW" parameter seems to still get them to patrol in "SAFE" and "SLOW".

---------- Post added at 08:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:54 PM ----------

Even when using the "NOWP" parameter they will still change to safe mode. This seems to simply be a bug.

NOMOVE rol tends to hold position, I explained better in info.


"NOSLOW" sets initial speed to full, do not change behaviour, they will run on their patrols. I will check it.

nowp = No waypoints will be created for this squad UNTIL ENEMY DETECTED, this squad will comunicate enemies but will not be moved by UPSMON until enemy detected, after that upsmon takes control of squad.

NOWP do not avoid to set initial behabiour

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Yes I know they are supposed to hold position but they also should move after an enemy is detected, shouldn't they?

What does "defensive role" mean? Just move less? Not follow enemies?

I thought "NOSLOW" was supposed to keep previous movement speed and combat mode? Would be nice to be able to set those yourself, either via parameter or just setting it before calling UPSMON and have UPSMON keep those settings when the units are patrolling normally (but still take over their combat mode when they engage enemies).

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it looks like "ambush2" does not work

5.0.7 beta 3

nul=[this,"area0","ambush2","delete:",300] execVM "scripts\upsmon.sqf";

the squad does not get into ambush mode, just start patroling.

with parameter "ambush" works OK!.


"NOSLOW" - inintial speed should be NORMAL instead of FULL ?

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I reworked waypoints way for moving, try last beta and tell me.


Hi Monsada,

Sorry for delay but i was away in the weekend.

Seems to me that last version is definitely better.

Now the AI is tactically more cautious and is engaging at a greater distance.

No more crawls near the team player...

I have also seen a very appropriate pathfinding (stop and go) to approach the objective.

So I think there is still room for improvement, but much reduced.

You raised the bar even further:)


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it looks like "ambush2" does not work

Yes, there is a bug on it, Im solving it.

Defensive role means that move less.

NOSLOW sets initial and default speed to FULL is used in patrol only

---------- Post added at 04:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:02 PM ----------

Hi Monsada,

Sorry for delay but i was away in the weekend.

Seems to me that last version is definitely better.

Now the AI is tactically more cautious and is engaging at a greater distance.

No more crawls near the team player...

I have also seen a very appropriate pathfinding (stop and go) to approach the objective.

So I think there is still room for improvement, but much reduced.

You raised the bar even further:)


Im glad to listen this, thanks but is done by BIS only change is using waypoints instead of move command. Thants to you for advising it.

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Could you explain how it works as it is not clear for me:

// how close units have to be to each other to share information, over this, will lose target

KRON_UPS_sharedist = 800;

//If enabled IA comunicating between them with radio defined sharedist distance,

KRON_UPS_comradio = 2;

KRON_UPS_sharedist : distance to share info only about enemy, or about enemy and to work together.

If I make KRON_UPS_sharedist = 0; this mean that: two patrols do not comunicate at all (they both see enemy, but not work together to flank it).

KRON_UPS_comradio: ? "2" what does the numbers do?

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KRON_UPS_sharedist = 800;

is the distance from squad to known position of target for geting knowlege of that target.

KRON_UPS_comradio = 2;

if diferent value will not get shared enemies.

If you set KRON_UPS_sharedist = 0; you were disabling sharing enemies, AI never engage until squad had contact with target

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thanks for info.

What is the "sharing enemies". Is the same as knowlege of the target ?

What for separate variable "KRON_UPS_comradio" is needed ?

If we use KRON_UPS_sharedist = 0; or KRON_UPS_comradio = 0; is the effect the same?

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thanks for info.

What is the "sharing enemies". Is the same as knowlege of the target ?

What for separate variable "KRON_UPS_comradio" is needed ?

If we use KRON_UPS_sharedist = 0; or KRON_UPS_comradio = 0; is the effect the same?

sharing enemies is share knowlegde of targets.

Supose KRON_UPS_sharedist = 1000, and 3 squads A, B and C far away.

Squad A contacts with enemy, comunicate this to general commander. Target is 800 m from B and 2000 m from C so General comunicate its position to B and B began engage, to C do not comunicate nothing because is too far, more than KRON_UPS_sharedist.

If you set KRON_UPS_comradio = 0, all will comunicate targets to general but general will no call anybody.

If you set KRON_UPS_sharedist = 0 general will no comunicate targets to anybody too because all will be too far from target.

The settings must do the same, but doing this you will be disabling UPSMON at all, I do not understand why you want to put UPSMON and disable? any special reason?

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I do not want disable UPSMON, it's great. I was doing urban fight mission so I had to decrease range of communication to ~150m, as in case of 800m if the first patrol spotted players the whole town were aware of enemy present and it was one big attack :).

Variable KRON_UPS_comradio was the question, because I still do not understand purpose of it.

As KRON_UPS_comradio = 0/2 - > no comunication/comunication, so I think that this variable is not required

as KRON_UPS_sharedist = 0/ (1-1000) no comunication / comunication (informing about enemy if squad in distance range to the enemy)

comunication -> raporting position of the enemy to other squads (as long other squads are in KRON_UPS_sharedist to the enemy).


another situation:

If A (ambush mode) see the enemy, but do not engage it because it is too far (ambushmode), but A can pass the position of enemy to B to engage it. B must be no far then KRON_UPS_sharedist to the enemy.

is that right ?

Edited by Rafalski

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you can use rol nomove

or use nowp2 that do not move squad until damaged.

---------- Post added at 09:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:44 PM ----------

If A (ambush mode) see the enemy, but do not engage it because it is too far (ambushmode), but A can pass the position of enemy to B to engage it. B must be no far then KRON_UPS_sharedist to the enemy.

is that right ?

Yes, B must be near to target to engage, what is near? KRON_UPS_sharedist to the enemy.

Because of this seting KRON_UPS_sharedist below than 400 is like disabling UPSMON.

If you want not to heavy atack set squads as nowp2 or nowp3 or nomove.

nowp2 only will engage when damaged

nowp3 will no engage

nomove tends to hold position.

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//       Added:
//        nowp    = No waypoints will be created for this squad UNTIL ENEMY DETECTED
//        nowp2     = No waypoints will be created for this squad UNTIL ENEMY DETECTED AND DAMAGED
//        nowp3     = No waypoints will be created for this squad in any way.
//        Ambush2 Same as ambush but without using mines
//        Added spawn support for vehicles in squad
//     Modified:
//        FORTIFY moves leader too and prevents from moving when hurt
//        Solved bug in targetting of resistance
//        Solved bug when respawning a template squad were creating a new template
//        Solved bug that did exiting AI form vehicle when upsmon begins
//        Solved bug of squads loosing group and gets stucked
//        Avoid to take same position on buildings


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I still don't fully understand what exactly the closeenough parameter is supposed to do.

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is used for setting when squad is too close to target, used in several calcutations such as flanking and for geting out of vehicles for example.

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Could anyone please tell me what the "600" refers to in this code

nul=[this,"town", "move","reinforcement", "delete:",600] execVM "scripts\upsmon.sqf";

Thanks in advance

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I think it's how long to wait after unit is dead before deleting it.

---------- Post added at 02:46 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:31 AM ----------

I just set a "NOWP3" parameter for a vehicle that is supposed to drive on a certain road, and the group leader of ANOTHER group doing a normal marker patrol close to where the vehicle starts gets in that vehicle and drives along, well away from his marker, while his group stays behind and patrols properly. Any idea what is causing this and how to prevent it? Why is he getting in a vehicle that he doesn't even know where it's going, not to mention getting in without his group? Setting searchVehicleDist=0; did not solve it either.

Edited by galzohar

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"delete:",600 -> 600 sek after the unit is killed, the body will be removed.

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