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Mission 7 help

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I found Lagushina.

I was told to take her to LZ Jersey

How do I get her to move?

I open the command menu's and there is nothing.

Were is LZ Jersey? I look at the map and don't see it.

I am reading everything I can find on this game but I am finding it hard to understand.

I finished OPFP Dragon Rising. I like the combat in ARMA 2 better but these hide and seek missions are the pits.


Sorry for the post... I found were this is a bug I guess. There are others having the same problems and no fixes are mentioned so I will just play on and forget it.

Edited by Rellikki

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Firstly wrong spot to post. :)

There are answers to this in other threads in the "official mission" section.

LZ jersey is just up the road from where you find her.

And she should just follow you.

Maybe Patches? try the Betas. :)

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If the task is active then an orange circular target should appear on the map that denotes the LZ. IIRC it is located due west of Manhattan on the other side of a mountain.

She should follow you automatically. If not then it's a bug I suppose but I've never heard of anyone complaining that she didn't follow. She should hop in the vehicle that you're in if there is room for her.

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