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Whats the best launcher to use for mods?

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Hey Guys,

Started dling a bunch of mods, and saw that there were some launchers out.

I made a mod folder and have just been putting all my downloaded mods into the mod folder.

Should I use a mod launcher? or should i just the shortcut with the init line?

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hmm sorry can u explain a little confused?

And don't know which launcher is most commonly used?

Guess I should just use init line?

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At some point you may want to start using more than one @mod folder. The more you just cram into one folder, the greater the risk that something could become incompatible (and then tracing the cause could be difficult).

The various launchers each offer a few unique features, so I’d suggest simply trying a few out and see what suits your needs the best. Some are very simple, some are very complex.

I actually use two different launchers (one for when I’m editing, one for when I’m playing online).

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I use this one and it works great for me. Much easier than changing startup parameters in the desktop shortcut. Install every mod into a separate folder and simply select which ones you want to use when you start the game.

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