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How do mines work!

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I'm pretty new when it comes to editing as was trying to get a mine to work, by simply placing a non-playable object. But when my vehicle went over it, nothing happened?

a) Is there a script or init line to enable it when a US vehicle goes over it?

b) How can you change the damage of it?

c) Is it defusable automatically?

d) Can you change it the damage?

e) Is it possible to make it anti-person? If so, is there a mod for this?

I have tried searching cant find anything that works for me.


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a) the default mines have no friends.

b) you'd need to change the configuration - make a new type of mine.

c) no.

d) change the configuration.

e) yes. there are a number of addons and mods. ACE2 will include AP mines.

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Only armoured vehicles blow up on the defualt mines, if you want cars/men u have to script mines

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