Meatball0311 79 Posted November 21, 2009 I will try and explain this the best way I can... I purchased ARMA II from Direct2Drive and it placed itself in Downloads/ArmA2_ddmf. I downloaded it and it has worked fine for several months now. Yesterday I had attempted to use USMC Icons by extracting the 'characters.pbo'. In the extracted folder named 'characters' I proceeded to open the 'i_sleader_ca.paa' in Textview 2 and then replaced the icon with a USMC icon and saved it. I did the same process for the other icons. I then used BinPBO to make the folder named 'characters' into a PBO file. When I placed it into the proper place and started the game, it gives me an error at game launch that something is wrong with the file. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the game many times and the same error occurs. I have even did a system restore and the same problem occurs. However the game launches properly when I go to Downloads/ArmA2_ddmf and launch the game from there. I have even tried to copy the 'characters.pbo' from there and paste it in my program files/ArmA2/Addons folder, but the same error occurs!!!! I know I f'ed up by screwing up the original 'characters.pbo'... any suggestions? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tankbuster 1747 Posted November 21, 2009 A descriptive thread title is always a good starting point. edit. Not to mention posting in the correct forum. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
W0lle 1052 Posted November 21, 2009 §22) Use descriptive thread titles If you start a new thread, please make sure your thread title explains what you want without forcing people to read through your post first. Thread titles such as "How in the world do I...", "Need help!" or "Will we ever see..." are anything but descriptive. We do not allow these kind of titles and threads with such titles are subject to be closed. §8) Post in the right forum Please ensure you make new threads in the correct forum, if you're unsure of which forum to post in feel free to ask a moderator. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites