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Warfare issues in 1.04

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1. When I have an AI squad inside a vehicle, and dismiss one of them while they are mounted, they suicide bomb the vehicle, killing me and any passengers.

2. Just like in ArmA, there will be times that my status as leader is rescinded, and when I select 1, 1 (fall back into formation), it tells the squad to follow another member (5 for example), and it won't fix unless I completely log off and log back in.

These issues could possibly happen in other multiplayer game types, but I've been addicted to Warfare since I bought the game a week ago, so I'm not sure.

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For 2. I think that you can set yourself back in charge with a radio call Status/Ready and voila, you should be formation-leader again and your squadies will follow you. (so there is no need to log off and back in, though I'm not sure if this behaviour is intended or not)

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It's really a nice feature.


2 go to..

3 4 5 6 follow 2.

The remaing team will follow me to flank as their leader.

and yes, radio "done" recalls the whole team back to you.

Edited by SWAT_BigBear

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Sorry for being slightly OT, but I can't find for the life of me how to dismiss WARFARE soldiers?

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Helmut, I think in the built in Warfare it's via Communications menu, where you can dismiss them or send them to another squad.

Warfare BE offers a "Team Menu" to remove unneeded squad members.

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Thanks, found it, it is in the coms menu. I was looking for the old "Team Menu" as we had in the Arma 1.14 Warfare 1.1

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