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ARMA II - Linux Server 1.04 Public Beta UPDATED

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Hi. I run arma2 beta at Debian Lenny x64. For few days everything was ok, ppl can join and play. Now selected ppl can't join (loosing connection, getting kick/ban).Now it has change, they are connecting, and got msg "waiting for server" no lobby, no mission pickup window, just connected and waiting. If they take * admin or voted admin and type #missions and ,notging change. When I join game (or other player without problems), I've got mission pickup window, when server runs i can pick slot. And the strange thing is, when I run mission ppl which were hanged can join in progres and play. Any ideas ? Firewall is off.

I've made mission rotation, now ppl with earleir problems can join.

18:16:26 Player [EC] Romanov connecting.

18:16:26 Mission [-DST-] DM Airport read from bank.

Server error: Player without identity [EC] Romanov (id 27025)

Server error: Player without identity [EC] Romanov (id 27025)

Server error: Player without identity [EC] Romanov (id 7025)

Server error: Player without identity [EC] Romanov (id 025)

Server error: Player without identity [EC] Romanov (id 7025)

Server error: Player without identity [EC] Romanov (id 7025)

Server error: Player without identity [EC] Romanov (id 025)

Server error: Player without identity [EC] Romanov (id 7025)

Server error: Player without identity [EC] Romanov (id 27025)

Server error: Player without identity [EC] Romanov (id 7025)

Server error: Player without identity [EC] Romanov (id 27025)

18:16:30 Player [EC] Romanov connected (id=6).

18:17:56 Roles assigned.

18:17:56 Reading mission ...

18:18:15 Mission read.

18:19:01 Admin [EC] Romanov logged in.

but... he still cant pick mission ...

Edited by [EC] Maciek

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How can i update the ARMA 2 1.04 Alpha Server?

Can i do write the Beta files over the Alpha Installation, like copy the New Files in the Directory and type ./install again ?

Greetz Dogsoldier

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Dogsoldier;1502571']How can i update the ARMA 2 1.04 Alpha Server?

Can i do write the Beta files over the Alpha Installation' date=' like copy the New Files in the Directory and type ./install again ?

Greetz Dogsoldier[/quote']

unpack and copy the server executable. install only compiles the tolower executable

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Right well I've finally tried it out on a brand spanking new Debian 5.0 "Lenny" 64bit install w/ Linux kernel 2.6.31.xxx (an Intel quad core system w/ 4gb RAM) but I must be missing something as it does not seem to be working and I was hoping someone here could perhaps shed some light.

I copied over the ArmA 2 game directory to the server, placed the Linux beta server in the /arma2 game directory and ran the install script. All fine so far, it lowered all the directory names to lower case and came back with no errors and a successful install message.

Next I launched the server process as root with ./arma2server start and again all fine with no errors (I can apparently start and stop the server with arma2server script and it always according to the verbose comes back with positive results).

./arma2server check gives me (and status says "Server should be running..."):

ArmA 2 directory: /home/bobdob/arma2 OK
Server executable: /home/bobdob/arma2/server OK
Port number: 2302
Config file: server.cfg OK
PID file: /home/bobdob/arma2/2302.pid
RUN file: /home/bobdob/arma2/2302.run

Now my problem is a netstat -alt shows no "server" or "arma2server" process listening on port 2302 or any other despite the process apparently being executed and running in the background. All other services and daemons (FTP etc.) work fine off the server to the WAN and I am 100% positive it has nothing to do with a firewall or network issues.

From the log file (even tho the "server" bin is present there and permissions seem fine):

ls -al


-rwxr-xr-x 1 501 502 16088112 2009-11-13 15:55 server


#cat /home/bobdob/arma2/log.2302.txt
WATCHDOG (9328): [Tue Dec  1 21:35:24 CET 2009] Starting server (port 2302)...
./arma2server: line 109: /home/bobdob/arma2/server: No such file or directory
WATCHDOG (9328): [Tue Dec  1 21:35:24 CET 2009] Server died, waiting to restart...
WATCHDOG (9328): [Tue Dec  1 21:35:29 CET 2009] Starting server (port 2302)...

Has anybody else had this issue? What's the deal with the "server" bin saying "No such file or directory"? Any ideas on what's going on here or how to fix or troubleshoot it?

Edited by Bob.Dob

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i am experiencing the same probs atm.

did you try to start the server just with ./server ?

i've got the following error:

Debian-50-lenny-64-minimal:/home/arma/arma2# ./server
Segmentation fault

I've got no Idea how to fix this as it is a problem with adressing the memory.

my system: Intel Core i7 @ 2,67 GHz | 8GB Ram | Debian 5.0 64-bit

The Alpha Version ran good on this machine

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  Schuldi said:
i am experiencing the same probs atm.

did you try to start the server just with ./server ?

i've got the following error:

Debian-50-lenny-64-minimal:/home/arma/arma2# ./server
Segmentation fault

I've got no Idea how to fix this as it is a problem with adressing the memory.

my system: Intel Core i7 @ 2,67 GHz | 8GB Ram | Debian 5.0 64-bit

The Alpha Version ran good on this machine

Yeah I've tried alright (heck that's what in Maruk posted in the readme in the first to start it with ./server as opposed to ./arma2server.

Same deal though it's almost as if "/arma2/server" bin is corrupt or not even there I dont' get it. :confused:

# ./server
-bash: ./server: No such file or directory

#./arma2server at least gives me a log entry (same crap though as if "server" bin is not there somehow even tho it is - unless it's somehow corrupt but I assume I might get a different error if it was corrupt?)

#cat /home/bobdob/arma2/log.2302.txt
WATCHDOG (9328): [Tue Dec  1 21:35:24 CET 2009] Starting server (port 2302)...
./arma2server: line 109: /home/bobdob/arma2/server: No such file or directory
WATCHDOG (9328): [Tue Dec  1 21:35:24 CET 2009] Server died, waiting to restart...
WATCHDOG (9328): [Tue Dec  1 21:35:29 CET 2009] Starting server (port 2302)...

PS - I haven't tried the Alpha version but I would hope I shouldn't...?

(edit: I just tried Alpha Build 59962 also and it's the exact same thing server: No such file or directory) : (

What the... :confused:

Is it possible this has something to with 32-bit vs 64-bit libs or something? Although I already have 32-bit support installed and working fine with other apps so I wonder...

Edited by Bob.Dob

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Schuldi and Bob.Dob - since you are using a 64-bit Debian distribution, you are most likely missing the necessary 32-bit system library files that the ArmA II server depends on. Install them using

apt-get install ia32-libs

when logged in as root.

PS Don't run the ArmA II server as root. Use your normal user account or create a new one for that purpose.

Edited by Killswitch

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  Killswitch said:
Schuldi and Bob.Dob - since you are using a 64-bit Debian distribution, you are most likely missing the necessary 32-bit system library files that the ArmA II server depends on. Install them using

apt-get install ia32-libs

when logged in as root.

PS Don't run the ArmA II server as root. Use your normal user account or create a new one for that purpose.

Good point mate! I will double check yet I just tested with some other 32-bit compiled apps and they seem to be running nicely on this new debian 64-bit without anything extra. Anyways I'll try a few more things and keep you posted (will even try to test it out on a older 32-bit linux box I have access to also if i can).

APPRECIATE the feedback though, always helpful!

PS - I know not to run such daemons under root, I was only trying as root to test as it didn't seem to be working any other way but it is a good point to reiterate. : )

---------- Post added at 11:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:09 PM ----------

Alright well seems like I'm making some progress here! lol :p

Here's what I get when I run ./server now (see pastebin link below)! What a mess I know! And it ends with a Segmentation Fault! Still no worky... :(


Edited by Bob.Dob

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  Bob.Dob said:
Here's what I get when I run ./server now (see pastebin link below)! What a mess I know! And it ends with a Segmentation Fault! Still no worky... :(


That's what you get when you haven't done step #2 in the readme.txt or you forgot to run the "install" script alternatively run the tolower tool.

(You're missing a lot of game data files - you need the "Addons" and "Dta" folders from your Windows installation of ArmA II.)

Edited by Killswitch

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  Killswitch said:
That's what you get when you haven't done step #2 in the readme.txt or you forgot to run the "install" script alternatively run the tolower tool.

(You're missing a lot of game data files - you need the "Addons" and "Dta" folders from your Windows installation of ArmA II.)

I did run the install script (which runs the tolower tool) as I mentioned in my first post and yes all directory/file names in there are in lowercase and I am 100% positive I have ALL the addons and dta folders and any other folder/file that falls under the Windows \ArmA2 install directory fully transferred over to the linux server (the 2 directory sizes match).

What else do you think it could possibly be? Thanks again!

Edited by Bob.Dob

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  Bob.Dob said:
I did run the install script (which runs the tolower tool) as I mentioned in my first post and yes all directory names in there are in lowercase and I am 100% positive I have ALL the addons and dta folders and any other folder/file that falls under the Windows \ArmA2 install directory fully transferred over to the linux server (the 2 directory sizes match).

What else do you think it could possibly be? Thanks again!

I don't see how it can be anything else. The server cannot find the files it needs in the addons/ and/or dta/ directories. There should be 100 files in addons/ and 7 files in dta/.

EDIT: Maybe - double-check the file access rights and ownership of all the files and directories...maybe something's odd there. (Files only readable by root, for example)

Edited by Killswitch

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Good point checking now! It's getting late here and I'm getting tired but I feel like I'm at least getting somewhere! Thanks again! :P :)

Edited by Bob.Dob

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Aha - based on the directory listing (links now removed), it's a file ownership issue with a twist. First of all, change the ownership of all the files to the normal user, not root or anything else. Let's say the username is "myuser"(*). As root,

chown -R myuser:myuser /home/myuser/arma2

Next, remove the setuid and setgid bits on the server exe:

chmod -s /home/myuser/arma2/server

Finally, log out from root and try the server as "myuser". Hopefully, that'll solve the problem.

(What happened n your case was that the server app, when launched by root, was started as user 501 of group 502 due to the "s" bits, and that user could not access the files and directories)

(*) The username "myuser" is an example. Change that to fit your setup.

Edited by Killswitch
Reworked the reply to use a generic username

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Problem solved ? is it possible if you start the SSHD, i could login and check.

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  MINO$ said:

Thx for this beta release :)

I've 1 question. Server running fine on my Ubuntu 9.10 Desktop,

but not on this same OS in a Vmware "computer"

When ./server : ./server doesn't exist

Tried after a new install.

Thx for help ;)

Ok, my bad, just 64 bits system !

sudo apt-get install ia32-libs and it's running fine ;)


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Dedicated Server FreeBSD

FreeBSD 7.1 64bit

CPU Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600

Memory 4Gb

Client v1.04.60819

Server v1.04.60159

Bots bug.

AI does not work.

Bots in the game do not move.

Server Log:

WATCHDOG (54706): [Fri Dec  4 13:05:19 YEKT 2009] Starting server (port 2302)...
Cannot register unknown string STR_USRACT_ACTION_CONTEXT
13:05:27 Dedicated host created.
13:05:28 Host identity created.
ArmA 2 Console version 1.04 : port 2302 - Sockets
13:05:41 Player Dmitriy connecting.
13:05:44 Player Dmitriy connected (id=499205).
13:05:59 Admin Dmitriy logged in.
Mission MP_WarWelcome.utes: Number of roles (16) is different from 'description.ext::Header::maxPlayer' (9)
13:06:13 Roles assigned.
13:06:13 Reading mission ...
13:06:21 Mission read.
Unit not created: Subgroup 0:0 not found
Cannot create object 3:1
Cannot create non-ai vehicle Misc_Cargo1B,
Cannot create non-ai vehicle Misc_Cargo1Bo,
Cannot create non-ai vehicle Misc_Cargo1Bo,
13:07:00 Game started.   

Edited by KOHAGEN

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It runs on Debian Lenny 32 bits with grace and felicity.

No problems detected.

We hope a final version in the near future to get rid of our windows

Good job.

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i have the ia32-libs installed as the alpha version is running fine i got no idea where the problem is. the user rights are also correct / the same way they where with the alpha...

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  thhamm said:
it reports as version "1.05". :confused:
Which makes it impossible to join with the current v1.04 client (whether it's beta or not).

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Very bad, if you ask me, but perhaps a necessity to have both client and server in sync for BE support

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  whisper said:
Very bad, if you ask me, but perhaps a necessity to have both client and server in sync for BE support
I don't think so, as the latest v1.04beta has BE support.

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  HitmanFF said:
I don't think so, as the latest v1.04beta has BE support.

Is this beta client still reporting as 1.04?

Just tested : Yes, beta program run as server reports 1.04...

Disharmony, bad

Edited by whisper

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It was simple mistake with wrong executable included in the beta server. Should be fixed in the updated version of Linux beta server build 61018 making it again version 1.04 for testing purposes.

At least you can see final 1.05 is getting closer :yay:

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is it possible that the server now uses not that much RAM? with the alpha server it usses about 500mb ram...now iruns with 80-150 mb RAM usage!

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