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Force ARMA 2 to use the rest of your RAM available

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While playing I was checking the RAM memory used by ARMA 2 and I have noticed that it only uses +-500MB almost all the time.

If I have available 2GB is there any command to force ARMA 2 to use the full 2GB you have?.

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What would be the point? It won't make it run faster, it uses as much as it needs...

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What would be the point? It won't make it run faster, it uses as much as it needs...

Well it could be used to automatically cache textures and objects...

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Same here always 1Gb free on 2Gb ram OS XP

Is not necessary to have 4GB or much with Vista or Seven !?

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There has been plenty of discussion on this topic before, and I think people have had some success with getting it to use a gig or two. I'd suggest searching up on it.

What would be the point? It won't make it run faster, it uses as much as it needs...

You'd think that, but a lot of people have been complaining of excessive paging even though only a quater or an eight of their system's RAM is being used by ArmA 2. Seems that at least in some cases, the game is handling memory in a pretty stupid way.

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this is just a thought but i have been reading up on page file system in windows and some say switch it off. i'll go try that theory now.

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Just to clarify what Quertz's RAMDISK does: It sort of tricks the computer into thinking that your RAM is a logical drive. The entire game would be loaded into this "virtual" drive; and since the entire game is 9 GB+ you would need at least that much to get it as smooth as Quertz has.

I doubt the posters in this thread that have only 2 GB would see much if any improvement from this method.

As to why ARMA2 is only using a less than a GB of RAM when most users have much more available is another issue. I wish I knew the solution. Probably it is a programming issue.

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I was mainly refering to the point of it and ...

Well it could be used to automatically cache textures and objects...

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I would like to hear a comment from the developer about this.

By the way, the RAMDisk is only a quick fix for the big problem. I think the way to go should be being able to use all the ram to load part of the game so a guy with 8GB of ram could almost have the entire game loaded.

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Don't disable your page file, that'll screw you since arma can't use more than 2gb of ram.

Arma will use 2gb of ram if it needs it and if it's available, just remember that if you have only 2gb of ram then you don't have 2gb available. At any time windows will be accessing 500-1500mb, plus additional background programs.

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