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Dogs of war/not really/ haven't seen answered

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Im in dogs of war but thats not the problem.

Commanding squads question. The manual doesn't explain how to control them. The manual says use the interact function, but it's always grayed out. The only options available are move there and communication. i also see some people talk about a diary but i haven't seen one.

I know how to send units to squads. but..

1. Is there a limit to how much you send them. Do they have a max 12 units like me?

2. Can you send them anything? I sent one group like 3 bmp but they don't use them. they don't even start to move until the squad stops.

3. If you have a squad that is only infantry, can you give them bmps and get them to go inside? I've tried to right click waypoints and tell them to load or unload or get in or get out when they get there but can't get them to do anything.

4. I now have control of U.S. forces and i see we have 3 helicopter squads. They do not have any troops inside them so what is there purpose. How do i get them to land? The only thing i can do so far to get them to land is to tell them to disembark.

5.Why don't some squads follow orders. I have them go into a town then all of the sudden before getting to there waypoints they start going away from the city. I keep telling them to go back but they won't.

Please help thanks.

is dogs of war the last mission? and in bf2 i played aix and pr is there anything like that for this game? i have seen videos of f16 a10 f117. So are there mods out there that i can keep playing sp? the user mission section here seems really messy with random things. thanks

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1. nope you can give them as much as you like

2. yes you can send "them" (high command groups) units.

3. yes you can give them BMPs. I think that they will get in/disembark depending on what

their "status" (stealth, Danger, Aware, safe) is and what movement speed you have

designated them to move at..

4. the only way to get them to land is to order any member

of your squad to get in/out

5. i dont know why, probably a/several bug(s).

and yes DOW is the last mission or well there is the epilogue but its

not a "fighting" mission and you dont have to do anything more then

tosit back and watch.

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I would like to second victim913's comments. I worked my through the confusing interface issues of "Badlands" in the hope "Dogs of War" would be less confusing. The materials available from Bohemia are extremely poor -- maybe they understand what to do, but nothing is intuitive. So maybe they should provide some more details given the $50 price tag of their product.

For instance, I also noticed the three Marine infantry squads and the three Marine MH-60 helicopters (in three other units). One would expect being able to put these units together to move the Marines via helicopter. After attempting it for more than 45 minutes, I gave up.

If someone has figured out how to do this, I would love to hear your solution (or perhaps someone from Bohemia who actually knows).

I also noticed that providing units with vehicles -- such as giving infantry trucks, etc. provides them with no transport. The trucks attempt to follow behind the infantry until it gets stuck in the trees.

Speaking of pathfinding, why do vehicle units inexplicably drive into the woods and get stuck? Attempting to disband them will not work.

Also, I never get anywhere near helicopters -- despite the convenience -- more than half of the time they crash into the trees killing everyone. This just doesn't happen on takeoff -- it also occurs enroute to waypoints.

I will also add my displeasure at being required to sit my three teammates at some safe objective for the entire mission because anytime they are put in fights they are killed (particularly Razor 4). This inexplicably ends my mission.

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dragoon, i usually put Razor team in a tank or two.

Like one team member in one tank with two generic

crewmembers and the other two Razor team

members in my tank.

This also allows you to save 3 squad slots (by sending

the unneeded crews to a high command group). that you can

have an additional tank.

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I second zdavid99's tactic Razor team tactics. I basically kept Razor Team inside a BMP almost the entire Dogs of War mission. You can win town after town with just armor, not much need to get out except to do other specific tasks such as get the prisoner or capture loptetev.


I didn't use High command to much in DoW. I just let the AI do it's thing. It was quite capable of capturing towns. However, once the Marines landed and I got control over these units, I used them to help me capture towns and attack the main CDF base(once I discovered where it was).

As for the Marine choppers, they're easy to operate. Order Razor into the chopper then get in yourself. In High Command mode order the chopper to move to by clicking on the map. Once the chopper gets to the spot that you ordered it, order Razor team to disembark. The chopper will land. If you order a chopper to come pick you up you can get it to land by ordering Razor to embark.

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oh yes, razor team just sits at base. I have seen that i can send razor members to other units. I was thinking i can send them to squad 7 and then give that squad ammo trucks, refuel trucks, repair trucks and keep them safe. That way it frees up 2 useful spots on my own squad. I'm just afraid i will need them to finish the mission and i haven't figured out how to get them back.

I really want to get those marines infantry troops aboard some transportation. I am waiting to take a city for about another hour for them to arrive. Since i can only have 12 people on my squad it's useless to have three empty seahawks and 3 empty apcs on my US team.

I've tried this before to failure but i might try buying more cdf or napa or whatever team i'm on and place them in the us helicopters (instead of US troops:() and give them to the helicopter units.

=ok just tried that but i can't add any units to US squads. the only names that come up is the first 7. none of the US names come up for me to transfer units to.

last time i tried this i placed a bunch of guys in a truck and gave them all to a squad and it worked until i told them to get out, then they walked everywhere with the truck behind them.

i am sitting on a damn island waiting for a helicopter to come pick up this guy. I've been waiting 20 minutes already and no one has come to pick him up, and i even had my medic heal him cause i got tired of him breathing so heavy. And that whole time my US tanks got to the city to attack, the infantry is about 3 miles behind, somehow the apc's are further behind than that and the helicopters are just wasting gas where they landed. As soon as lopetev is picked up i'll get back into my 3 mi24s which i can cantrol and attack with those. The US didn't even need to show up. And i still have like 40,000 dollars to just mow down the rest of the continent.thanks

oh, jeffroland, can you still control the US without being commander of all? I tried to stop commanding the regular troops and my US guys disappeared too.

Edited by victim913

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Victim, i strongly suggest that you DONT send any of the orginal Razor team

members (2,3,4) to a high command unit.

Since you will only have very loose control over them

the likeliness of the getting killed is very high.

Only send away units that you buy.

Regarding the helicopters i usually stay away from the AI helos since

their piloting skill will cause the helicopter to crash sooner or later.

Especially during takeoffs/landings.

*edit* regarding the civilian helicopter that is sent to pick you up.

Somtimes you can trigger it by going back to the house and then

from the house go south/south east.

It doesnt always work but somtimes it does.

another option is to call for the US Amphibious APCs to come and

pick you up. It will take very long time though.

Edited by zdavid99

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I already have a Hind parked in the open that i piloted in. I can get back on and lopetev follow me. but i thought someone was coming to get me. Maybe they aren't sending anything cause i already have one there. And i don't know where to take him

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I already have a Hind parked in the open that i piloted in. I can get back on and lopetev follow me. but i thought someone was coming to get me. Maybe they aren't sending anything cause i already have one there. And i don't know where to take him

oh dont bother about the other helo then.

just take your Hind back to the CDF base.

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I couldn't for the life of me, figure out how to work in high command. I had to resort to taking all villages with a handful of bought soldiers and I left my Razor dudes back in the base because they tend to die when I am not there holding their hands.

You cannot possibly imagine how long it took. I played it night after night until I finally destroyed the two remaining camps and the game ended with a ten second priest talk cinematic.

Rather anticlimactic but who really gives a shit?

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You are talking about high command groups. Is there a way to buy units and get them into a high command element? All i buy always get stuck in my own squad and that is irritating.

I havent dvelved too much into the high command so i might have missed something. But i really would want to buy units and form my own high command elements and send them away.


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oh, jeffroland, can you still control the US without being commander of all? I tried to stop commanding the regular troops and my US guys disappeared too.

Hmm. I chose never to control CDF high command. But once the Marines landed I had control of the Marine units. It took me a while before I discovered this - I accidentally hit the high command key and to my surprise I saw all of the marine units under my command.

Can you go back to CDF and ask commander if you can take control again?

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When i vote to put AI back in command i lose US too. In fact when i do that at this point, AI wont even command them. Everyone stops moving including US. When i tried voting back to commander and all the cdf came back but i no longer have US units. weird

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yes, strange. I would go back to a previous save where you still had control of US units, if possible.

But, I guess as commander of CDF you can build as many units as you need so long as you have the $$. Only downside is that you have to command them.

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