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How to disable shift+click waypoint

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I want to disable the shift+click on map waypoints in my mission, any idea if it's possible? Thanks in advance.

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Well, if you play on Veteran or disable Extended Map Info, the marker will only show up if you have GPS. Not sure if Expert disables it completely.

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Thanks for your replies. I would like a way of doing it regardless of server settings/game settings. I mean no matter on which computer the mission is loaded - no waypoint!

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well.... I use a script for teleporting using on mapclick. I allow the shift click (actually bypass shift click cause people were teleporting while flying. funny stuff)

Couldn't a script be written that bypasses everything else, and just blocks shift click? Then run that script at player init? (the else at the bottom of the script is for getting ontop of buildings)

_pos = _this select 0;
_shift = _this select 1;
_alt = _this select 2;
//hint format ["%1 - %2 - %3",_pos, _shift, _alt];
if (_shift) exitwith {}; //<- This allows the bypass
if (!(_alt)) then {
player setPosATL  [_pos select 0, _pos select 1,(_pos select 2)+5];
} else {
_cone = "RoadCone" createVehiclelocal [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, (_pos select 2)];
_obj= nearestObject [_cone, "Building"];
deletevehicle _cone;
_array = boundingBox _obj;
_max = _array select 1; 
_max = _obj modelToWorld _max;
_height=_max select 2;
_height = ceil _height;
player setPos  [_pos select 0, _pos select 1,_height];
player allowDamage false; 
sleep 15;
player allowDammage true;


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The problem is that this script is hardcoded into the game and I can't insert this line into it.

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