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Ive been trying to find a new game to play, and with the Modern warfare 2 fiasco thats happened, ive had to pursue other avenues, I saw this game on steam, it looked amazing, and I wanted to ask you guys if this would be a good game for me.

I am more of a multiplayer person that singleplayer, I read the review on the game and it said the SP was a bit buggy, which is fine by me because I really couldnt care less about the SP part of the game.

What intrigues me is the MP aspect of it, I have heard that this game has a rather large community of people, mature people. I played the demo for this game and I can say it was quite laggy, even though my machine is a pretty respectable rig.

My system specs are.


4 gb of ram


everything else standard

The game i would think should run fine at normal settings, what my ultimate question is, is do you guys think I would enjoy it, I love long distance, drawn out gun battles, and to be honest, I have never seen a single game that has accurately depicted distances when it comes to sniping, I think this may be it. How is the netcode for this game? I tried the new flashpoint game, the multiplayer was pretty bad, it took forever to get into a game, it had servers, but it was still a lobby that you had to get ready for, which basically takes away the point for having servers. Does this game do the same thing? or is this more like classic dedicated server style join and play.

I guess thats all the questions I have, if you guys feel the need to mention any pertinent information, feel free, thanks for the help.

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The game uses servers, it is "classic dedicated server style join and play" as you say. The netcode is mostly good, the odd bug though but nothing that renders it unplayable as far as I know.

It's hard to say whether you'll enjoy it. Some people love it, others hate it. It hasn't got much in common with any other game (besides the previous BIS games of course).

Multiplayer is best enjoyed with a good group. Public play varies from good to bad depending on where and when you happen to be and who you encounter.

Also it is half price on Steam for the weekend. If you're quick you might be able to get it.

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First thing I would do is play a couple single missions (or even the campaign) just to get a good feel of the game. Yes, the campaign has a few bugs and can run like a dog in the bigger missions; but the single scenarios are legit and you shouldn't have problems. There's a ton of commands, and most of the more organized servers expect you at least have the basics down to keep up with the game play. Personally I'd stay away from any unregulated pub servers; but they are nice to hop on and just get better acquainted with the game.

Also the editor is good for learning since it's very easy to place and test different units and not have to worry about getting attacked

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Ive been trying to find a new game to play, and with the Modern warfare 2 fiasco thats happened,

Fiasco? Is the game out already???


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Fiasco? Is the game out already???


I think he is reffering to it not going to have dedicated servers!

I played the demo for this game and I can say it was quite laggy, even though my machine is a pretty respectable rig.

My system specs are.


4 gb of ram


everything else standard

The full game with patch 1.04 runs a lot smoother than the demo, but don't expect super performance with your rig though it should be able to run it decently.

If your looking for a game similar to COD4 this is not what your looking for, this is a military simulator and a damn fine one :)

Yes the community is really great, this is the first time i have ever sticked around on a forum about a game :cool:

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Hi and welcome sdwinder,

This game is amazing with a good group of players. I usually play in public servers and haven't had too many problems with a**holes. Its fine if there is an admin who can kick troublesome people or you just have to leave if things get crap.

Another game you might want to look at is BF2:RealityMod. I haven't played it but looks like halfway between BF2 and ARMA2

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