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Changing config values in game?

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I am working on an artillery addon that uses manual aiming with the units set in mils.

The problem is that its a pain the butt to aim like that with the mouse most of the time. I somewhat solved this by lowering the maxHorizontalRotSpeed and the maxVerticalRotSpeed config values to a very low number (0.025 and lower). Only problem is that its very much too slow now.

I was hoping of creating some sort of key binding or toggle to make the turret have a coarse rotation speed and then a fine rotation speed.

Is it possible to adjust those config values in game or is there an equivalent method of doing this?

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Just a quick thought:

Additional to the Turret and Gun Animations with the sources 'mainTurret' and 'mainGun' defined in the cfgModels class, you could add the same animations again (different class names ofc.), but this time both with the source 'user'. That enables you to rotate/elevate the cannon by scripts (command 'animate').

Then simply add some useractions to the cannon (or some other fancy interface) with which the player can script-rotate the cannon by a certain number of degrees, to speed up the rotation process. And for the rotation speed values in the config leave the low ones.

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Is there a quick way to get the memory LOD point? Are they listed anywhere, or do I have to dig through the P3D with a hex editor?

I am doing that now already and I am seeing what look like memory points but some are in english, and some are in czech.

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I think

memoryPointGun = "kulas";

is the turret.

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So the animations need to be defined in CfgModels? Where can I define that, does it have to go in its own file or can it go in the config.cpp?

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So the animations need to be defined in CfgModels? Where can I define that, does it have to go in its own file or can it go in the config.cpp?

You can write your CfgModels class into the config.cpp, but then you cannot check the animation in buldozer (it won't work in buldozer). To do that you have to have separate model.cfg and config.cpp (At least in arma1 it was so).

You also have to have this kind of defintion in config.cpp to make user animations work....

class AnimationSources
class MovementPart // same as your selection name.
	source = "user"; //The controller is a user animation.
	animPeriod = 1;  //The animation period.
	initPhase=0;     //Initial phase 

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Will this work with binarized models? I am trying to do this on the stock M119 model.

If I do this in the config.cpp would I extend the CfgModels class from the M119 model in there and then add in my animations?

Thanks for all the help so far everyone! I have never really worked with modeling/animations in ArmA/OFP...

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