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Squad XML issues

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I'm having some problems with my squad.XML. It seems to work fine ingame, but for some people the logo does not appear ingame. However when I try to access it online I reccive this error message

XML Parsing Error: mismatched tag. Expected: </member>.

Location: http://hntdaab.co.uk/downloadables/ARMA%202/RBC/squad.xml

Line Number 135, Column 3:</squad>


Any help?

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Your squad.xml is missing a closing </member> entry for [RBC]L/Cpl Deathblades[HQ].


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We tested this many times.. it is the fault.. Black screen receiving error...sigh

One club member will get this bug eveytime a TAG is displayed on any vehicle in front of him.. goes to receiving black screen till the person exits the vehicle..

any solutions would be helpful..

obviously you cannot say just take off the tags..as these run on all servers with all different type tags and he gets them on all servers with tags.. is there a way "HE" can turn off viewing of the tags? to avoid this glitch? or a solution so he can view the tags?

Edited by Fuby

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Besides Xeno's comment:

Generally,try to avoid XML entities such as the "/" in the [RBC]L/Cpl Deathblades[HQ] name tag. In this case try "⁄" instead of "/", cause otherwise the XML parsers will read a part of a XML tag, such as </whatever>, which will "disturb" the structure of the DOM.

Plz see here:


and for a list of xml entities here:


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Ive also has problem with the squad.xml

Have followed the guide exactly, but neither the patch or information shows up ingame.

Do i have to allow the server to load it somehow?

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