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Gangsta Wars

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Ok hear is a quick fix


Change log:


1) The save stats debug array turned off

2) DMR ammo.


1) Pimping town moved

2) Civs and Ind all spawn in the same location


1) New car shop

2) New Toys in illegal car shop

3) More item shops

Future plans

1) When a cop removes civs weapons to add back the map

2) Fix the selling car bug

3) Add a revive for the EMT


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Thanks. I haven't played this version very much... (no time) But there are still some things that im missing:

- It's not possible to unlock vehicles after reconnect

- Selling vehicles is not working after reconnect (you get your money but the car stays on the map)

- Items should be saved too (maybe a storage somewhere...)

- Storage? Maybe possibilty to buy a house to save stuff and cars there :rolleyes:

- More places to sell drugs (a lot) - I mean Junkies all across the land, that would make drug dealing AND being a cop way more interesting :D

- Important things and persons shpuld have the "allowDamage false" variable (weapon dealer for example)

Another idea:

How about forming squads? That would be cool for cops (for communication and orders, maybe with a (voted?) chief as supreme commander). And the civilians would be able to form Gangs!

Im very happy about what your doing with the mission. Great updates! Keep up the good work! :yay:

p.s. when will be CL2 released? :)

Edited by sxp2high

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Hi sxp2high

thanks for the bug list and I love your ideas. I will look into them

Ref City Life 2 - we are currently in the closed BETA stage and all is going well, we don't have a planned date of release but I don't think it is going to be long from now

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I was trying to convert this from Chernarus to Zargabad or Takistan (It's probably done already but has not been publicized to my knowledge).

When I try to add anything it says "Write String, expected nothing".

Anyone help me out??

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