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Complicated trigger manipulation (most likely not possible)

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Ok, I may be going overboard with this one. So even though I try my best to research before I ask this one needs some professional health. I have a trigger up for blufor detected by opfor. Now how do I define one unit who is opfor as NOT opfor so that he can engage/detect blufor without the trigger going off? I may be asking to much of the system now but any help would be appreiciated. Thanks!

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Have a player play it. :)

I don't think what you want to happen can completely happen, you can do parts of it, but not all of it.

What exactly are you trying to do anyway? Specifically, not generally as you described it. Who's this OPFOR that's not supposed to be able to detect BLUFOR but still can attack them? Perhaps a detected by isn't even the right approach to your problem? What is BLUFOR doing at the time? What is OPFOR doing?

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Ok blufor cannot be detected by the greater mass of enemy troops other wise mission fails. But I do want the player to encounter an enemy sniper within the trigger area without it tripping. So ya complicated....maybe I could place a CDF blufor sniper down and somehow get him to see the player as enemy? is that possible?

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possible but tacky work around go into the mission.sqm and set which ever units you want to pull out of the detect trigg to Side resistance or whatever they are calling it now,Then in your mission set up change resistance friendly to east and that should work.You can even make evil bluefor with this trick.

Cheer's ChefD

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heh. and that's the LAST time you edit that mission in the editor. If you need to make changes to the mission, change the units back to west (or original side)

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im confused guys. If I go with chefs idea it will mess up my mission in the editor big daddy? and If so can u elaborate your suggestion?

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what' Chef is saying is edit (using a text editor) the mission.sqm file, and manually changing the side of a unit. once edited if you pbo the mission and run it, it will run that way.


if (after manually changing sides of a unit) you open the mission.sqm file (in the arma editor) one of 2 things will happen. the game will crash big time, or the units will just transition back to their original sides.

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hmmm so again there really is no way to acomplish my goal as of yet....

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Make the special non-opfor unit a guerilla/resistance and the trigger ignores him.

Manually editing the mission.sqm method works just fine, you can open your mission in editor after it, you just can't touch/edit that changed unit, or it's side will change back to original.

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hmm ok so resiatnce guerilla. Thats under opfor? And the trigger will ignore it?

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