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The single mission "ground attack"

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Hi all, I'm a new guy for OFP...

In this mission I took off from the base and then blew up those urls and tanks quite easily. But when I return the base, how can I manage to land to the "H" mark on the ground? Seems it's pretty hard to control the helicopter when landing... I often get myself crashed in the forest, or just slip away from the H-mark....:(

Pleas help. I think I need a direction for flying helicopters in OFP... is there any in this site? thanks

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There is a command called "auto hover" in the actions menu. It will regulate your speed to a max of 25 knots or so and keep you level.

Try landing using the 3rd person point of view, numpad [enter].

Just takes a little practice.

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Or invest in a joystick, which makes it much easier - not to mention more enjoyable.

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Thank you buddy.

but... I've known about the function-keys and menu commands (I've read the manual carefully before...). Well, I think what I need is tip or sth like that...

And USSoilder, can you land the helicopter on the right position easily? I just find it difficult to control my speed and altitude accurately, even using a joystick... Landing to a small place (e.g. a yard of the base) is much harder than it should be... what do you think?

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U dont need to land exactly on the H , if u miss it by few meters, u wont be "grounded" for the weekend by your CO smile.gif

anyway, when flying, u must constantly check your alttitude and make the proper adjustments. when landing, if u press the "auto hover" command there wont be any problem to land the chopper.

btw what version r u using? there were some landing problems in 1.45, make sure u got the latest patch.

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errr... i know that the mission will end just the same even I land my chopper 100 meters away from the H. But i DO want to land it exactly there!... I think this skill is useful especially when you have to unload your men in a hot spot. It will surely be a disaster if you "happen to" land your chopper between the fire lines... And on a montane terrain, it wont be easy to find a flat to land.... anyway, I'll practise more to be a good pilot  smile.gif

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and to kilerbee:

i'm using v1.30. And I've heard of the bug. Is it that the chopper keeps hovering above and never touches the ground? I didn't see it in my OFP... smile.gif Thank you anyway.

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1.30's fine. The problem was that they introduced a new problem with 1.45, which is why 1.46 came out so early.

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I'd upgrade to 1.46 if I were you. 1.30 had very hard AI which made the game unplayable for some people.

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The stick would be a good investment, but the easiest way to do it is to fly past the H, hover about 40 feet from the ground, going about 80, then pull her back hard to the right as you drop altitude, and drift into it's spot on the helipad.

This is more of a trick ladning, and it took me about 5 times to perfect, but don't give up.. it hasn't failed me yet. wink.gif

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I don't know how about u guys, but completely fine with the keyboard. And when u land u just use Auto-Hover function and boom - problem solved biggrin.gif

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nah, dont worry about a joystick, unless you have other games you could use it for. The flying part of OFP is just about the only thing it'b be usefull for. I say follow what Mask said. Auto Hover cures all

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go into mission editor, place a empty chopper and practice, practice, practice!! Take off, land, Take off, land etc.

If you do invest in a joystick, i suggest getting one with "rudder control", where the stick twists' left and right. It's a lot more funner with a stick.

KDog-- smile.gif

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