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Custom island's intro

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My own ARMA 2 island's 'Main Menu' intro is not working like it should.

It seems that it doesn't execute the mission.sqm, just the initintro.sqs. That's why the last mission you played stays on the background but the camera works.

Also the objects that I added on editor are also missing, that's why I suppose the mission.sqm isn't working.

What could be the problem?

There'r no complicated scripts or anything like that on the mission. Just a one car and the intro script.

And I used the "Intro" mode in the editor.

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If you open your binarized PBO, you'll likely find the SQM file is gone, only your scripts are there (as I did).

Open the BinPBO Options window and add;


to the end of the line.

Binarize/BinPBO again and your should be fine.

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Anyone have tutorials for adding mission intros into your island? Or is it actually easy to create one with moving camera scripts and use it straight from the mission editor?

Last time I touched on mission editing I was playing ofp resistance.

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You can pack your custom made intro into your island, i'm not there yet so i have to get back to you about this.


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I have been playing with the intro in the mission editor(ripped from utes) and with a bit of tweaking and imagination it seems to be pretty straight forward as far as integrating it into your island.

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