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Snow.... Winter... Snowfall?

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Would it be possible to have snow in the game? This can be a starting condition.

I would love to fight in a snow filled landscape. Though I can see technical difficulties with it, and texture problems as far as uniforms, I still think it'd be fun.

Possible/not possible?

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Would it be possible to have snow in the game? This can be a starting condition.

I would love to fight in a snow filled landscape. Though I can see technical difficulties with it, and texture problems as far as uniforms, I still think it'd be fun.

Possible/not possible?

If someone made a snow mod/map, I would gladly make some snow units.

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No, but seriously, I'll be glad to make some snow units if someone makes a snow map/addon! BTW, this is a bit more appropriate in the addon request thread, for it is requesting a snow map addon. I think.

Edited by Black1ron

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Would be a great idea but surely the engine is not up to it and would need changing? You can't expect an addon to make it start snowing and the ground not get covered.

God I can just picture it!!!

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+1 for this, seasonal changes would be good, but yeah mainly summer and winter.......just think, gravity is already modelled so skis could be made....down hill Arma2 ski championships, the amount of possibilities would exponentially grow if we had winter..

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Would be a great idea but surely the engine is not up to it and would need changing? You can't expect an addon to make it start snowing and the ground not get covered.

God I can just picture it!!!

Why so negative? Snow falling was done in ArmA and already in ArmA2.

check here for example:


Snow covering the ground as it falls is different, but still possible. The engine shows holes, grenade craters? Why not snow texture as well? Obviously it's not going to be easy to do, but im certain it's possible.

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I'm not being negative, I just had it in my head that it might get laggy. I like Arma II Drago snow on youtube!

I'd love for it to snow. All I am saying is that it would have been nice to have an engine that could take it into account....but thats not a dig at BIS!

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Its a very nice idea, but I can't believe that it is possible to create weather conditions that would look any good..

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Its a very nice idea, but I can't believe that it is possible to create weather conditions that would look any good..

And what makes you believe this ? OFP Nimod dynamic weather scripts are very convincing.

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I would love to see any snow units and islands. Best place to play in the winter when its cold outside!

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If someone made a snow mod/map, I would gladly make some snow units.

i am currently making us snow units atm! and i will port them too arma2 after i am done...however my units will be universal...meaning no specific unit! as i was just going to make a 10th mountain division mod(vehicles and soldiers), but as of now i think its just gonna be a universial us army artic\winter mod.... in all white overcoats\pants(standerd bis men..with pants and shirts made to be a lil thicker to resemble the thick overcoats\pants worn by our winter soldiers...not E.C.W.C.S. cloths in woodland camo) and it will come with all white hmmwvs and stykers..and all white uh-60s....plus guns! if i get some help from someone i will make the look exactly like the real thing..ei the proper hooded overcoats and pants and heavy mits\gloves! plus i will be making a usmc version too using there new winter dig. camo pattern, that even the us army is thinking bout useing lol!

Edited by soldier2390

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i am currently making us snow units atm! and i will port them too arma2 after i am done...however my units will be universal...meaning no specific unit! as i was just going to make a 10th mountain division mod(vehicles and soldiers), but as of now i think its just gonna be a universial us army artic\winter mod.... in all white overcoats\pants(standerd bis men..with pants and shirts made to be a lil thicker to resemble the thick overcoats\pants worn by our winter soldiers...not E.C.W.C.S. cloths in woodland camo) and it will come with all white hmmwvs and stykers..and all white uh-60s....plus guns! if i get some help from someone i will make the look exactly like the real thing..ei the proper hooded overcoats and pants and heavy mits\gloves! plus i will be making a usmc version too using there new winter dig. camo pattern, that even the us army is thinking bout using lol!

I might be able to retexture a MH-60 for you, but that's about the limits of what I can do. for I'm not good at configuring or anything. All I can do is textures..

---------- Post added at 01:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:51 PM ----------

I had spent hours on FDF WW2 maps skiing, fighting on frozen lakes and enjoy it a lot.

I have already build an ArmA winter map :Winter Pomegraskaya, not publicly released and tested a winter version of the Sbrodj map I am working on at the moment.

I think that the ground textures and weather conditions are not problems, what's more difficult is to have trees without leaves, snow on trees and on roofs, a "crude" version without those enhancements is not too difficult to build.

Mehbeh you could share these good times?

Edited by Black1ron

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@black1ron no worrys mate i already got the uh-60 skined in winter white! along with the hmmwv and most troops are already done, but i do need help on creating a real winter unit..ei heavy overcoat\pants, but for now they are just re-skin bis units!

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I remember in ArmA1 there was a script I think? That would make snow...I remember playing a mission where it was used on Winter Kolgujev, with only CWR. And CWR has no weather addon / mod. So, it'd be cool to see that again, adds immersion.

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yeah there is deffenitly mods and addons that we can use to make a respectable "winter envornment"! if not for arma2 im sure some one will port there addons too arma2 from arma1 or ofp! good luck...and i will post pics of my upcoming winter mod!

@binkowski i was wondering if you would like to take part in this mod with me....even if only too port it to arma2? but i really enjoy your work, and think that to make this mod good i need you. please help me out bud if you can?


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Its a very nice idea, but I can't believe that it is possible to create weather conditions that would look any good..

Have you ever (all of you who are pessimistic to this) seen the weather mods in ArmA? Snow, Blizzards, Dust storms, Rolling fog (volumetric) and all this with leafs etc blowing around. It looks awesome to fight in blizzards and snowfalls in ArmA1 so why should it not work in ARMA2?

Be curious instead of shooting things down. If you havent been here long enough to have seen what has been done and then shoot it down it kinda makes you look like fools.

OnTopic: Great to see winter landscape again! :) NimWeather mod for ArmA should come in handy with some tweaks for the new engine possibilitys.

Good luck with it!


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@black1ron no worrys mate i already got the uh-60 skined in winter white! along with the hmmwv and most troops are already done, but i do need help on creating a real winter unit..ei heavy overcoat\pants, but for now they are just re-skin bis units!


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Nim's Weather works in Arma 2 as far as I know... and there were a few snow islands for Arma 1...

I dunno how to include youtube links but

a video of snow and a snow island in Arma 2...

The falling snow is Nim's Weather Mod, and that Arma 1 island is "Drago", the quite hard to find snow variant is called "Snow Drago"... (Both made by "OFman")

It's supposed to work fine in Arma 2 under CAA1, but so far I haven't been able to get it to work... :(

It's unlikely you'll find the snow variant hosted anywhere, but I happen to have it HERE :D (only a 5mb d/l)...

If anyone gets it working please share how you did it... if someone can manage even basic retextured units, then all we need is Nim's Weather, CAA1 and a working SnowDrago for starters and we're on our way...


Edited by Bushlurker

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i am currently making us snow units atm! and i will port them too arma2 after i am done...however my units will be universal...meaning no specific unit! as i was just going to make a 10th mountain division mod(vehicles and soldiers), but as of now i think its just gonna be a universial us army artic\winter mod.... in all white overcoats\pants(standerd bis men..with pants and shirts made to be a lil thicker to resemble the thick overcoats\pants worn by our winter soldiers...not E.C.W.C.S. cloths in woodland camo) and it will come with all white hmmwvs and stykers..and all white uh-60s....plus guns! if i get some help from someone i will make the look exactly like the real thing..ei the proper hooded overcoats and pants and heavy mits\gloves! plus i will be making a usmc version too using there new winter dig. camo pattern, that even the us army is thinking bout useing lol!

is your winter helo akin to this?


'cause that would be awesome.

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is your winter helo akin to this?


'cause that would be awesome.

nope all white....but no worrys i know who made that..so if i can make one in camo too(as there will be all white..for regular troops, and snow camo for sf troops..thats what i had in mind since the get go!) i will get ask him to use it....

also i need help making the usmc troops as i cant do camo...so if anyone can help please pm me! here is a real life pic of the new usmc camo in trying to make!




and here is a pic of a BF2 usmc snow camo soldier(ADDON)



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I've got the snow working in ArmA2 without using the addon. Just a simple script you have to execute.

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There is snow in ARMA2 you mean Binkowski? That can be braught out with a script? Also i heard W0lle i think said you can get volumetric fog in ARMA2. Ive seen it in a mission but im far to crappy to figure out what to look for.

Can you make an example mission Binkowski? Not a mission, but just a unit and snow/fog (if you know how to make the fog).

EDIT: I know how busy you are mate. I meant ofcourse IF you get the time some day. ;)


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