SGT KAMAI USMC 0 Posted March 26, 2002 It has come to my attention that certain individules have discovered a way to make smoke from smoke grenades not appear on their monitor. The cloudlets on/off option in the display options for the game when set to off renders smoke grenades useless against the player who has his cloudlets set to off. This is a bad oversight on BIS'S part. I hope it can be fixed, but as long as the crap is set up that way, I feel it only fair to inform all who play OFP in multiplayer, that smoke is useless, against players who take advantage of this error to gain an edge against you. BIS please fix this. I dont want to turn my cloudlets off, cause I will feel like a cheesedick playing like that. But I also dont want to be the only guy who cant see through all the smoke...ty Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ralphwiggum 6 Posted March 26, 2002 good point...they should make a server-side control for that Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chris Death 0 Posted March 26, 2002 This isn't a one way advantage, you are talking about. Just think about, 1 has a very well performed CPU, and equipment, and the other one doesn't. Now the one with the good computer starts firing smoke after smoke, so that the other one even can't move anymore because of his performance troubles. Now the first one shots the second one. You got me? OK it should still be a unique setup, but at all i suggest, not to use smoke (especially more than one at the same time) in mp missions. This smoke has to be calculated with high usage of performance (one of the highest in the game). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WKK Gimbal 0 Posted March 26, 2002 There are so many ways to cheat in multiplay if all you want is to win - but how fun is it to play the game in wireframe, and enemies have glowing red faces and their footstep sound has been replaced with a loud and clear beep? I suggest playing with people who values the experience more than a win. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nordin dk 0 Posted March 26, 2002 Aha! So that's what it is... wonder some guys seem unbeatable. I was hoping something like that never became possible, but if it's there already, all the trigger happy moron kids are going to be using it soon... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BigQEd 0 Posted March 26, 2002 I believe it has to do with ALL Smoke/Clouds. So even when firing with a BMP on a TANK... the Tank is not blinded by your fire and will be able to see just fine. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SGT KAMAI USMC 0 Posted March 26, 2002 Chris your crazy. Lmao man you think peeps with piss poor machines are the only ones who turn cloudlets off? Besides if your machine sucks that isnt my fault. Your disavantage in MP games due to poor CP performance is your own fault. Damn man i sucked it up and put into my machine what it takes to make it run better. G3 graphice card, more ram, faster CPU, Audigy sound card ect. Like I said square your machine away and no one can lag you out with smoke. My real problem here is people with fast machines who turn off the smoke to gain unfair advantage. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Deus Ex 0 Posted March 26, 2002 AI cheats like that. They shoot through the smoke and make headshots. or they shoot you in the head from bushes, note that there is no possible way they could see you when your approaching them... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chris Death 0 Posted March 26, 2002 Kamai - ok, so if you don't wanna give them the allseeing advantage, then don't throw smoke. It's the only way to get sure, that they won't have this advantage. Instead of a smoke grenade, throw a real grenade onto his head, and you'll see his no cloudlets option wouldn't make anymore sense. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rage_Frost 0 Posted March 26, 2002 Well what it all comes down too is we all try to make the game real as we can their is NO reason to turn smoke clouds off trust me even with a shity video card its ok. Now i too stumbled on this one day and it was really fubared up. i was in a tank getting smoked by a bmp with heat bullets and their was no smoke at all i just aimed and shot him away. Now i have played with smoke cloudlets on forever and i know it a bmp is lighting you up their's no way to see anything from the sight. I'm sure B.I.S. didnt think about how much of an unfair advantage it would be for the cloudlets and smoke to be off. And maybe now they might think about it again. At least i hope they well. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SGT KAMAI USMC 0 Posted March 27, 2002 Chris man you know anything about ordanance, and what different types of nades are for? Look I will spell it out for you. 1. Fragmentation grenades are used to inflict casualties on the enemy but the range is limited to how far you can throw it. 2.Smoke is used for masking, marking, and signaling. Now that you know the differences wtf were you talking about? I would never throw a smoke at a player, that makes no sense. What do you think? I throw smokes when I am close enough to throw frags? Lmao too funny. However if I was pinned down, or needed to move through a danger area, smoke comes in handy as I can throw it, and use it as concealment from enemy observation. To make it even more easy to understand for you, cause I know this is a lot to learn lol, if you need to move, and you are getting shot at from an enemy sniper further out than you can see with your m16, you should be able to "pop" smoke, and break contact (escape under the cloud of smoke undetected). I can also use smoke to signal to friendlies where I am, so lets say if one was flying and I needed a pickup, he could spot the smoke from the air, and pick me up there. I often use smoke to conceal myself from people who gaurd flags in CTF matches. Well that would suck if I threw one out thinking they cant see me through the smoke only to find out they got the cloudlets turned off. Wouldnt it? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chris Death 0 Posted March 27, 2002 Hey Kamai: thx for ya lession - and i always thought, smoke only gets you high  Come on, i know the difference of explosives and smokies. But what helps, if you can't use an advantage of it. So my point was, if you aren't using smoke, when fighting against ppl, having smoke/cloudlets disabled, they wouldn't get any advantage of this. In the case of using smoke to mark positions or call for anything, it's an advantage again for you and the one you want to show anything, if your enemy doesn't see the smoke  Scenario: one of your mates is chased by a couple of no-smoke-seeing-guys, you set up an ambush and lead your mate by smoke to the exact position. Those blind guys still trying to chase him - and boooooom  Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SGT KAMAI USMC 0 Posted March 27, 2002 So how do you propose I can tell for sure who has cloudlets disabled, and who doesnt? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chris Death 0 Posted March 28, 2002 As i already suggested; if you can't get sure to have an advantage of using smoke, then you don't need to use it. Modern warfare would even recomend, not to use weapons or support, if you aren't sure of the effect on the battle it has. Sending a tank into a forrest - makes no sense Firing with sidearms onto jets - makes no sense, maybe if they are still on the ground, and the pilot is entering right now Using weapons which don't give a known advantage - makes no sense OK in this case it's not realistic (in real life noone could disable cloudlets/smoke) but we have to deal with the facts. And fact is: not everyone might see your smoke, so this isn't a 100% advantage, to use it (you got that?) Not fact is: BIS gives you a solution for that - i don't think, that BIS would limit online gaming to those who have higher performance - smoke is more a deal with graphics performance than cpu power, i guess - Just try this - fire as many smoke grenades as you can nearby you and turn around - then look how your movement slows down for some seconds (and please don't tell me, you didn't notice any performance loss), now mutiplify this with the factor of a not so well performed pc (i'm not talkin about P 166, more about still used 7xx, 9xx mhz ones). Why do you want to exclude people from playing ofp online. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SGT KAMAI USMC 0 Posted March 28, 2002 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (DV Chris Death @ Mar. 28 2002,06:43)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Not fact is: BIS gives you a solution for that - i don't think, that BIS would limit online gaming to those who have higher performance<span id='postcolor'> Oh Ok so my dad can play on his old 486 pre pentium peice of shit? No. LMAO you need to rethink that bro. Here let me show you how BIS limits the game to people with higher performance machines. from the BIS site: "Recommended system requirements CPU 733 MHz or faster, 32 MB 3D card, 256 MB RAM, 800 MB HDD, CD-ROM, keyboard, mouse, sound card, DirectX 8" Recomended? lmfao thats a minimum to get it to run if you ask me. my idea of minumum sys req:" 1gig or faster, Geforce3 or ATI 8500, 512Mb RAM , HDD with enough space lmao(you better at least have a gig nowadays) 4x CD-ROM, keboard, OPTICAL mouse, AUDIGY soundcard or better EAX enabled sound card. Â Oh and direct x 8" Hmm that looks to me like a schmuck with an 8mb Graphics card might not be able to play very well.. lol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chris Death 0 Posted March 28, 2002 Kamai, now you already wrote it, and couldn't see it. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">"Recommended system requirements CPU 733 MHz or faster, 32 MB 3D card, 256 MB RAM, 800 MB HDD, CD-ROM, keyboard, mouse, sound card, DirectX 8" <span id='postcolor'> If BIS or Codies says it would work with this type of machine, then they have to ensure, it does. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">my idea of minumum sys req:" 1gig or faster, Geforce3 or ATI 8500, 512Mb RAM , HDD with enough space lmao(you better at least have a gig nowadays) 4x CD-ROM, keboard, OPTICAL mouse, AUDIGY soundcard or better EAX enabled sound card.  Oh and direct x 8" <span id='postcolor'> hmm - you're a business man, aren't you? Let me turn back the wheel of time for you. Long long time ago: One or more people got the great idea, to collect items and exchange them, so they could start to specify their regions where to search, abilities (who does what) etc. After a while, they got bored by always exchanging the same goods, so they decided to travel around and search for new stuff. They found some, but those people who owned this other stuff, didn't like their goods. Their wish was, to get totally different kind of goods again from other people. But those other people again expected different goods. Then one man had a great idea; he said: you have what he wants, he has what i want, i have what you want - let's create a unique value of exchanging, and let's call it: M O N E Y From this time, the people started to go for money, so that they could exchange their money for the stuff they want. .................. many Years later BIS (in the year 2001) made a great game, and after getting bored of only watching this "cooooool" game, they decided to sell it, so that they can earn money for it. One said: let's limit it to the higher class of PC's, so that we can talk about a totally realistic simulation, where even smoke would be displayed on all machines  No said 100's other programmers, if we limit this game to only the elite of PC's, we wouldn't sell enough games, to pay our bills and to create better new games. I hope, you finally got, what i mean. I for myself, would also like to have the same settings, but if you think a bit, about what's the deal here, then you should realize, that it won't be. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SGT KAMAI USMC 0 Posted March 28, 2002 long post about nothing. Look business is business, bro. I am a Machine Gunner in the United States Marine Corps. Not a businessman. I think you missed the point. There is a minimum requirement. And allthough it may give you a wider audience, making a game that can perform on older machines, it can also sacrifice quality. What makes most games a big seller? Hmm? Whats the first thing that catches a customers eye? GRAPHICS BABY!!! thats right!, and thats what the counsole game industry knows and plays well. They make ungodly amounts of money getting knuckleheads to buy their newest machines every 2-3 years, for what? GRAPHICS lol. I mean damn these guys make gobs of money selling medium end computers, with no Hard drive, which can only use thier software. Now thats genius. BUT if I can afford the gear I am using in this machine than anyone can lol, damn we make less than 2 grand a month here. So dont tell me about money. I work, save money, buy parts, and build my machine. It takes a while but in less than 12 months I went from a shitty p3 600 base model over the counter machine to my AMD1800+ homebuilt crown jewel with all the trimmings. And let me tell you, building this was cheaper than that friggin p3 was a year ago. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chris Death 0 Posted March 28, 2002 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">my AMD1800+ homebuilt crown jewel with all the trimmings. <span id='postcolor'> You must be very proud about that, but be sure, there will follow better systems, and some will get them sooner than you. Then they will start saying: who cares about Sgt.Kamai, i want to have a game, where all works in relation to my system-specs. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">long post about nothing. <span id='postcolor'> I already thought, you wouldn't understand it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SGT KAMAI USMC 0 Posted March 28, 2002 Oh my god you crack me up, upgrading is continuous action bro. I know this and accept it. It is a hobby. QUALITY games will always be better business wise, than trying to slow progress for the technlogically slow. lol Besides man, If you can maintain your computer upgrades to stay within 6-12 months of the newest technologies, you will be fine with anything they put out game wise. Remember usually a game takes longer than that to develop. Oh and the reasons I want to exclude people from playing online are as follows: 1.people using 56k should appologize, and be banned. lol Laggin out the servers for the rest of us. Or just start a 56kers only club, and I promise not to crash thier parties lol. 2. People with piss poor machines that suck complain about lag, when there is no lag, its the crappy gear they have. 3.Last but not least, i want to use my godamn smoke, and have it work! Not be screwed cause you dont want to unfuck your gear. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chris Death 0 Posted March 28, 2002 Well Kamai, this time i won't quote you, because i won't reproduce stuff, like that. The reason: you started arguing in a racism way. Not to other coloured people, but to people with lower equipment than yours. This is how all those differenes in the world start. One says: i'm better than you, i have better stuff than you, and you are nothing. You want to exclude others from having fun now. OK so why don't you call out a new law, where lower qualitiy is forbidden? Come on, get back to reality. btw - you won't hit me with those arguments, because i also am on the better side of life, but there are so many ppl outside there, who can't go for your best quality stuff. fact: you want smoke to all fact: 56k'ers don't shout for smoke to all (btw - we aren't talking about 56k'ers, we talk more about low performance users) fact: you said: they should build their own 56k club Why don't you (with your super-system) go for a smoker's club, where only smoke enabled guys are able to play? You sound like BIS made this "great" game for only one person: Sgt. Kamai Who cares about other's rights or wishes, only your's are important. Why should BIS sell this game also to lower quality people, and not only to ppl like Sgt.Kamai Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chris Death 0 Posted March 28, 2002 Kamai, i found the solution for ya here the required sys-specs: and here are the features: (note - the part about smoke) toooo bad, that this is one of your so much apreciated programs, limited to only specified people:              Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SGT KAMAI USMC 0 Posted March 29, 2002 Man Racism? LMAO your too funny! I am below the poverty line there sister, so dont talk to me about the otherside. Dude you need your head examined if you think you can compare this to racism. LMAO! God your a character. Now I remember why arguing with a kid is pointless. It is not that expensive to get a decent machine running, and a broad band connection. For christ sakes, you act like it is a milion dollars. Maybe you really mean mommy and daddy wont flip the bill? Well go flip some burgers and earn some cash. I mean lmao I guess no one but rich people should be allowed to drive cars, cause cars are expensive. LMAO ROTFL too funny!!! BTW, I already put a request in for the use of VBS1 at my Real life Unit. You see I am a Marine and entitled to use VBS1 if my command will authorize it for use aboard ship. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Placebo 31 Posted March 29, 2002 Please quit arguing you two, so you don't agree about something, get over it and move on already Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SGT KAMAI USMC 0 Posted March 29, 2002 Your right man srry! Just got this from the VBS1 people: Sgt Kamai, Â Â Our current contract is to create a USMC-specific "add-on" to the basic VBS1. It is part of the Deployable Virtual Training Environment, which is designed to do exactly what you mentioned. We are creating avatars with the new USMC cammie uniforms, USMC small arms, AAV's, LAV's, CH-46's, CH-53's, AV-8B's, MV-22's, and many other models. The current contract only has us delivering 52 licenses. We're working with TECOM and MARCORSYSCOM in Quantico to eventually provide additional licenses. Â Â The per-license cost will be quite low (more than a game but nothing like standard training systems). We can discuss this further if you are interested. You'll be amazed at the increased quality and capabilities over OFP. Â Â By the way, I was in 3/1 in '87 - '88. Semper Fi! Michael D. Woodman Major, USMC (Ret) Program Manager Coalescent Technologies Corp. 407-xxxxxxxxx Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chris Death 0 Posted March 29, 2002 NOOOO Placebo - don't let this amusing discussion die  Just wanna say goodbye to this nice conversation  see ya somewhere else CD Share this post Link to post Share on other sites