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Horde-type mode for A2!

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Hi! I'm happy to announce that my first released mission, currently simply named Wave Mode, is near perfection. Me and my mate just tested it today, and I just need to tweak some things and get it so that each wave comes after the first is dead. If any of you know how to do that, please tell me. Currently you have to radio in to get them to come. You start out in a well-defended base, but you are free to leave at any time. I felt that there is no need for enemies to be at 1 foot away when there is no CQB system in the game. This mission is made for 4 players, and you can play as a Corpsman, a Automatic Rifleman, a Sniper, and a Grenadier. I'll post some screenies as soon as I test it again, but I got a bit busy making my new co-op campaign.

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Edited by Black1ron

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each wave comes after the first is dead

just make a trigger around the whole battle area.

Condition: (side of enemy waves) - Not Present

On Activation: what is in your trigger activation

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Mission like this on our test server i made, each enemy wave comes after all the rest is dead.. they are really fun to play but i used a specfic set of private scripts. But good luck i will sure test once u get it done \o./

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Here's some screenies of the extremely WiP base you start in!



Ammo Point:


From the far back:


Here ya go!

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Spawn Point:


Behind front bunker/gunner:


In Front:


New news! I'm uploading it to filefront now!


It's the first alpha, but it works.

---------- Post added at 12:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:28 AM ----------

Armaholic added a mirror! Here's the link!


Edited by Black1ron

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Don't know whether your interested or not; but for fun me and my mates made a variant of this where it is scripted, monitors each wave and re-spawns those who died during the wave; except if everyone dies.

It also gets progressively harder and increases with difficulty with more and more players. Absolutely awesome fun with 10+ people. I could give you the mission if you'd like; either way kudos for the idea. :yay:

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Don't know whether your interested or not; but for fun me and my mates made a variant of this where it is scripted, monitors each wave and re-spawns those who died during the wave; except if everyone dies.

It also gets progressively harder and increases with difficulty with more and more players. Absolutely awesome fun with 10+ people. I could give you the mission if you'd like; either way kudos for the idea. :yay:

Sure. I would love to love to see how you did it. Please, send away! It'd be useful in future missions to have even more scripts. This is actually my third mission that uses any scripts or anything.

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