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SLI not working - please post here

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I went from single card to SLI (GTX280's) and it did not make a huge amount of difference. Matter of fact, I don't think it made ANY difference really.

LOD still sucks (textures don't load properly) and FPS seems really slow. I do have settings on highest options (1680x1050) and AF set to medium, and AA off.

I also turned off PhysX with no discernible difference.

Turning off Phys x won't. Arma 2 doesn't support physx.

I run the game with all settings to very high 1680 x 1050 with full grass and vd 3000. I get around 30-70 fps normally with 2 gtx280's.

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Turning off Phys x won't. Arma 2 doesn't support physx.

I run the game with all settings to very high 1680 x 1050 with full grass and vd 3000. I get around 30-70 fps normally with 2 gtx280's.

When posters talk about frames low or high, they usually are not talking about the same mission/ area ect... The low frames are mostly in the Campaign, and some City Sp missions,... the good frames are almost always in MP and user SP. Best to say where the frames are at.

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Here's a good post about SLI from another thread. It turns out that SLI was working for me all along, and the reason I couldn't see any performance increase is probably something with Vista eating up CPU performance (a Quad Core at 3.1 GHz is apparently being handicapped by Vista and not by XP). I saw 100% increase in XP and no increase in Vista.

This post by seany also shows how to easily check if SLI is working or not by enabling "SLI Visual Indicators"


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