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SLI not working - please post here

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Hi all, i'm going crazy with my sli system (2xgtx280) :(. I found some other threads about this argument, but they are quite old and using 180.xx driver. So it's time to talk about new 190.xx drivers and related SLI problems.:p

My rig is the following:

i7 920@3,6ghz

3gb Corsair


Nvidia driver 190.38

Vista Ultimate 64bit

I cant get one frames more swithcing from Single Gpu to Sli mode. I tried every possible solutions found on the web:

- remaning arma2.exe in crysis.exe

- winxp parameter on sortcut

- forcing AFR2 in Nvidia panel

- forcing vsync off

- using nHancer to create a Sli profile

- using Evga and Nvidia SLI patch

- setting max rendered frame to 8

- installing 190.62 drivers (they arent supported by nhancer)

SLI apparently works, load balancing graphs are good, and there's an increase in the menu (from 100 to 150 :D). But when i get into the game frames are capped at 25-28:mad:, exactly like single gpu mode.

The only thing i miss is to install Windows 7. Before doing that i would like to hear your suggestions.

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Hi all, i'm going crazy with my sli system (2xgtx280) :(. I found some other threads about this argument, but they are quite old and using 180.xx driver. So it's time to talk about new 190.xx drivers and related SLI problems.:p

My rig is the following:

i7 920@3,6ghz

3gb Corsair


Nvidia driver 190.38

Vista Ultimate 64bit

I cant get one frames more swithcing from Single Gpu to Sli mode. I tried every possible solutions found on the web:

- remaning arma2.exe in crysis.exe

- winxp parameter on sortcut

- forcing AFR2 in Nvidia panel

- forcing vsync off

- using nHancer to create a Sli profile

- using Evga and Nvidia SLI patch

- setting max rendered frame to 8

- installing 190.62 drivers (they arent supported by nhancer)

SLI apparently works, load balancing graphs are good, and there's an increase in the menu (from 100 to 150 :D). But when i get into the game frames are capped at 25-28:mad:, exactly like single gpu mode.

The only thing i miss is to install Windows 7. Before doing that i would like to hear your suggestions.

Search before you post - there are PLENTY of threads regarding this. We don't need another one.

190.62 are supported by nHancer 2.5.3 Beta2.


Edited by BangTail

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Search before you post - there are PLENTY of threads regarding this. We don't need another one.

190.62 are supported by nHancer 2.5.3 Beta2.


So look by yourself: http://forums.bistudio.com/search.php?searchid=354512&pp=25

The is not any recent thread dedicated to SLI problems. So please, i would be grateful if you have any suggestions.

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SLI apparently works, load balancing graphs are good, and there's an increase in the menu (from 100 to 150 :D). But when i get into the game frames are capped at 25-28:mad:, exactly like single gpu mode.


Soo are you talking about the Campaign, or a SP mission... When you go into the editor do you get the same issue, or when you play on line ?

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They've all been made before mate - this thread should be locked.


Look, i think you are going over my patience dude. I paid this game and i want to get it working. So don't bother me, ok?

I think that is very useful to gather different SLI experiences in an unique thread, so SLI users like me can find very easely all the informations they need. In the link you posted there are many, unorganized, contradictory and scattered information, and is very difficult to find something really useful.

So, please, let the moderators do their job, you don't need to replace them.

And again, please, i would be grateful if you stop bother and give some good tip, in case you have any.

---------- Post added at 09:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:15 PM ----------

Soo are you talking about the Campaign, or a SP mission... When you go into the editor do you get the same issue, or when you play on line ?

I did not try the editor (i'm not intrested in) and i did not go online (first of all i need to fix performance and the i can go online). I'm talking about campaing, in the wood (Manhattan mission).

Edited by Bhairava

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I did not try the editor (i'm not intrested in) and i did not go online (first of all i need to fix performance and the i can go online). I'm talking campaing, in the wood (Manhattan mission).

you wont get any more, or very much out of that Campaign/mission. Its just the way it is. If you play MP you will see huge perfomance differences... Its just the Campaign, its that way for everybody, Its not your Kit.

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you wont get any more, or very much out of that Campaign/mission. Its just the way it is. If you play MP you will see huge perfomance differences... Its just the Campaign, its that way for everybody, Its not your Kit.

Are you sure? I have same framerate with SLI enabled/disabled, is that normal too?

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Look, i think you are going over my patience dude. I paid this game and i want to get it working. So don't bother me, ok?

I think that is very useful to gather different SLI experiences in an unique thread, so SLI users like me can find very easely all the informations they need. In the link you posted there are many, unorganized, contradictory and scattered information, and is very difficult to find something really useful.

So, please, let the moderators do their job, you don't need to replace them.

And again, please, i would be grateful if you stop bother and give some good tip, in case you have any.

---------- Post added at 09:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:15 PM ----------

I did not try the editor (i'm not intrested in) and i did not go online (first of all i need to fix performance and the i can go online). I'm talking about campaing, in the wood (Manhattan mission).

I couldn't care less about your patience :rolleyes:

I'm sick to death of people not using the search feature and starting new (and useless) threads concerning topics that have been covered over and over again.

The reason I am not going to give you any "tips" is because they have been submitted time and time again in other threads.

KB is right, in the campaign, you won't get much more than that as the game is CPU limited. It doesn't matter how many video cards you have. If you had done a little reading, you would have known that.


Edited by BangTail

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I could care less about your patience :rolleyes:

I'm sick to death of people not using the search feature and starting new (and useless) threads concerning topics that have been covered over and over again.

I've been searching for days before opening this thread, over this forum and over internet. So if you think this thread is not useful, get off and find something to do.

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I've been searching for days before opening this thread, over this forum and over internet. So if you think this thread is not useful get off and find something to do.

Days? That's hilarious. It took me less than 2 seconds to find the answer to your question. You're just lazy and can't be bothered to do any research.

I'm happy you got your question answered, but it didn't require a new thread.

Anyway, enough - Your question has been answered and this thread should be closed and that's not my decision as you pointed out, but it is my opinion.


Edited by BangTail

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You obviously don't know how to use the search feature properly because I can find reams of information on SLI. You're just lazy and can't be bothered to do any research.

Anyway, enough - Your question has been answered and this thread should be closed and that's not my decision as you pointed out, but it is my opinion.


Oh my god, you really need something to do. "You're just lazy and can't be bothered to do any research" how can you dare? I'm not your brother nor your friend, so show a little respect and learn some good manners.

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Oh my god, you really need something to do. "You're just lazy and can't be bothered to do any research" how can you dare? I'm not your brother nor your friend, so show a little respect. Lear some good manners.

Respect is earned and I dare :p

/ignore 4tw :D

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Are you sure? I have same framerate with SLI enabled/disabled, is that normal too?
yes thats a sign that you are CPU limited, no matter the vidcard/s the frames stay the same. When i OC my CPU i get in the 45s... Its almost only in the Campaign.

Its been a issue for many, they dont seem to see that there is more to this game then the Campaign, and judge all there performance issues about that... wheh /if you go on line and (god forbid) play Domination with 36 humans and hundreds of AI you will get 60fps or so..

Edited by kklownboy

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Respect is earned and I dare :p

/ignore 4tw :D

Why are you hammering away at me? Find something else, go kickboxing, or find a woman.

yes thats a sign that you are CPU limited, no matter the vidcard/s the frames stay the same. When i OC my CPU i get in the 45s... Its almost only in the Campaign.

I have my i7 920@3,6ghz i cant believe i'm cpu limited. So i will try 4ghz, and of course online play.

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Why are you hammering away at me? Find something else, go kickboxing, or find a woman.

I have my i7 920@3,6ghz i cant believe i'm cpu limited. So i will try 4ghz, and of course online play.

IMO ARMA doesnt open up till you OC to 3.8...Better at 4.2+, really. But you are capped in the Campaign... its a known "issue"

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IMO ARMA doesnt open up till you OC to 3.8...Better at 4.2+, really. But you are capped in the Campaign... its a known "issue"

I'll give it a try, thanks.

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I was suffering from a similar scenario. I have 2 GTX 275's SLI. I used the 186.18 Driver but first I uninstalled the 190.62 Driver booted into safe mode ran driver sweeper to remove remnants of past driver. I then went to my documents and ARMA2 folder and deleted my arma2.cfg and profile. I installed the new driver 186.18 and the sli patch tweaked the pre-render frames to 8 and forced VSYNC to off. Loaded the game and set my REZ 1680x1050 all to Very High. I get 30 min 60 AVG 90 MAX in-game multi-player. In the Menu I get 90-138 fps. I am stoked!

Oh yeah if you have a GTX 200 series card I figured out the -winxp switch limits frames to 30 kinda weird. So I did msconfig under the boot options and set my memory setting to 4096 hope this helps someone

Edited by INVICTUS

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Oh yeah if you have a GTX 200 series card I figured out the -winxp switch limits frames to 30 kinda weird. So I did msconfig under the boot options and set my memory setting to 4096 hope this helps someone

This is the 2nd time I've had to correct you on this. Using the -winxp switch DOES NOT limit the FPS to 30. I don't know what is causing that on your system but it doesn't happen on any of mine.


---------- Post added at 11:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:01 PM ----------

IMO ARMA doesnt open up till you OC to 3.8...Better at 4.2+, really. But you are capped in the Campaign... its a known "issue"

I completely disagree with you on that. I've put my CPU up to 4.0Ghz and I noticed a change of about 5 FPS from stock speeds (from an average of 70 to 75 FPS in my own custom made mission).

Stressing the CPU (and other MB components) like that is not worth it for 5 FPS.

Of course, to each their own.


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My OCing nets 10~15 fps... i think its the better driver/CPU/multigpu support from ATI...AND MY OC voltages are In or under Intel spec...

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My OCing nets 10~15 fps... i think its the better driver/CPU/multigpu support from ATI...AND MY OC voltages are In or under Intel spec...

Could be :)

And it certainly wouldn't be a surprise given the "quality" of Nvidia's drivers of late :(

Even 15 FPS isn't that great tbh (unless you are only running at 30 or whatever).

I'm not a big OC'er, for the most part I just don't see the need. Nothing against those that do but in my own testing, the gains are just too insignificant to justify the extra heat/stress etc.

I don't like my CPU over 50 under load.


PS : The 5870x2 should be available in December! Guess I know what you want for Xmas :D


Edited by BangTail

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I was suffering from a similar scenario. I have 2 GTX 275's SLI. I used the 186.18 Driver but first I uninstalled the 190.62 Driver booted into safe mode ran driver sweeper to remove remnants of past driver. I then went to my documents and ARMA2 folder and deleted my arma2.cfg and profile. I installed the new driver 186.18 and the sli patch tweaked the pre-render frames to 8 and forced VSYNC to off. Loaded the game and set my REZ 1680x1050 all to Very High. I get 30 min 60 AVG 90 MAX in-game multi-player. In the Menu I get 90-138 fps. I am stoked!

Oh yeah if you have a GTX 200 series card I figured out the -winxp switch limits frames to 30 kinda weird. So I did msconfig under the boot options and set my memory setting to 4096 hope this helps someone

Intresting, so i should go back to 186.18? :(

My OCing nets 10~15 fps... i think its the better driver/CPU/multigpu support from ATI...AND MY OC voltages are In or under Intel spec...

I pushed my CPU to 4ghz and in Manhattan mission nothing changes.

And, it's weird, i loaded another mission (the one with cycle) and framerate is very good (50-70). it seems that the frames change by missions, even if scenarios are quite the same. Wtf.

On the other hand, i just tried to play online, and it sucks: 30 frames.

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Some screens:

Here is in "One week after" mission, sli seems to works:



The following is "Manhattan mission", sli apperently does not work:


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And then a multiplayer match, framerate sucks:



I didnt find what you guys said about framerate in multiplayer. :(

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SLi 9800gtx here. Haven't quite figured out MP performance yet. But, I'm under the impression that clients can not achieve a higher FPS than the Server itself, so even if you have an uber rig and you play on a server running Domination or Evo, with lots of AI, and the server is not quite up to the job all clients suffer also.

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