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Beta test's - Mouse lag

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If you are new to beta testing - please read all of the text.

I just felt for writing this so that some of you guys that doesnt know how the beta's work will get better insight on the matter. And im writing this so that you that have mouse lag can join in and test if the beta's help you or not. We should really make the best of the situation now that BIS are pushing beta's to us so that we can help them back and tell them if ARMA2 feels and works better or not. And if you comment in the correct place they WILL listen. This is kinda unique and should be taken advantage of. Right now as i wrote its mainly mouse lag BIS tries to eliminate. But more beta's will follow with im guessing perfomance improvements and all sorts of improvements. So if you want to be at the front and help out - your more then welcome to do so. :)

How does the beta's work? They do NOT mess with your normal ARMA2 that you play now. Not at all. When you install a beta it will create its own .EXE to start (and they install super fast). So in your ARMA2 root folder there will be a file called: "Launch Arma2 Beta Patch" and thats the one you launch to test the beta out (you can send that to the desktop to start the beta from there if you want). When you want to play your regular ARMA2 you just start the game as you do normally. This way you can test the beta's and see if we move in the right direction. For now its especially to see if your mouse lag gets sorted.

In the latest beta the mouse can be set to different values where the higher value is MORE mouse smoothing, and the lower value you add the LESS mouse smoothing you will get (more direct/faster handling). The value change for now is made in your "YourName.ArmA2Profile" file wich you simply open up with Notepad or any other text editor, and add/write a line in there called: MouseSmoothing=NNN; (NNN=0-100). So an example would be: MouseSmoothing=15; (Dont forget that ";" at the end!).

Locate your "YourName.ArmA2Profile" at:

Win7: C:/Users/UserName/My Documents/ArmA 2 Other Profiles/YourARMA2Name

XP: C:/Documents and Settings/UserName/My Documents/ArmA 2/YourARMA2Name

Vista: C:/UserName/AppData/Local/Arma2/YourARMA2Name

(Hope i got the paths right?)

You can even remove (skip to add it) the line completelly to test how that feels. Im not sure how high the value goes but from 0-100 can be tested as a start. Best is to test with steps in 5 or 10 maybe until you find the best mouse handling for you. Remember that you have to exit the game and change, and then restart to get effect from it. Later on when BIS is happy with the changes we might get this into the options in-game. Even though it might need a restart - a lot of settings in many games require a restart after changes. So thats nothing new. :)

Link to the beta's: ARMA2 BETA's DOWNLOAD

The beta's is usually around 30MB in size. Please also move over the beta uninstall file to your ARMA2 root directory that comes with the download. This way you can just uninstall the beta, and install the latest one easily. Just leave that uninstall file as it works to uninstall ALL beta's to come.

Hope this helped someone that wasn't completely sure on beta's and how they work. This is a lot of text, but the reality is so much simpler. You will notice that fast. Any problems please post in this thread.


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That mousesmoothing line sorts it right out for me too. Don't know how or why, but it reduces all input lag.

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Oh noe's i got the boot from the mighty P. :D

I added it to the general forum in hope of cathing more people. And i thaught about it a long time as i figure this would happen lol. should have pointed it out...

No harm done. The few that doesn't know how beta's work will probably find it in here. :)


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These invalidate save games right?

It shouldn't. It all depends on what was actually changed in the patch, but being that it's only minor fixes right now then it shouldn't affect your save games and you should still be able to load the same saves from beta or non-beta.

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Beta version 58946 (latest one) introduced a mouse smoothing slider in-game. So no need for mocking about inside any files anymore. :)

It also works to change mid game without any need for restart of the game. You can find the slider called "smoothing" inside the CONTROLS option right under the mouse speed (X & Y Axis) sliders.

BIS rocks.


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