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*** CAA1 *** ArmA Scenarios (SP)

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*** This missionpack is supported by the following project. ***

CAA1 - BI addons in ArmA II


Missing those old ArmA missions? Look no futher here are the original ArmA SP scenarios which are fully compatible with CAA1/OAC.




V0.1.280809 (beta)

- initial public release

Known Issues

- AI driving is still a issue.

- Loadouts aren' the same as ArmA yet

- MicroAI makes some missions behave different

Please test them out and give some feedback about them. Also feel free to lookinto the files to see how some A1-A2 conversion issues are dealt with.


Special thanks to:

BIS for making these great missions and making it possible to play them in A2

The guys of the CAA1/OAC project for the great mod

Everyone in the community sharing their knowledge and stuff

! Note: to make use of these missions u need a legit ArmA/QG license also this content is still under the copyright of BIS and the rights it gives them.

Edited by Herr_kalashnikov

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Hey, this is great ! :yay: The Arma 1 scenarios play somewhat differently in arma 2 because of the new AI or something. :)

Next the campaign ? Is it possible ?

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Cool! That'll help me get through this weekend :)

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