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How to place units inside vehicles in editor?

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Hi, I just began playing around with the editor so I'm new at this. Like the title says I'm trying to make infantry start out inside vehicles how do I do this?

Also my cobra squadrons aren't following the waypoints I set for them, is there something I'm missing?


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imagine you have a vehicle named c1

go to the init field of every soldier and put:

"this MoveInDriver c1", to set him as driver or pilot

"this MoveInGunner c1" to put him on gunner position

or "this MoveInCargo c1" for back seat and cargo positions


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Damn that sounds kinda complicated using those commands. Are there no menus to do this?

---------- Post added at 02:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:43 PM ----------

And BTW I want to make them start off riding inside APC's in the water so I can't make them move inside once the game starts, they already need to be inside.

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It's not complicated. You tell the editor in simple english "HEY EDITOR! THIS UNIT! MOVE IT IN CARGO POSITION IN THE VEHICLE I NAMED C1" and the editor does it!

Then you can copy paste this for every unit you want. Don't be lazy!

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on the right column dude. It's under the formation list. it's called 'name'.

I mean when you double click to make a unit appear you get two columns. On the left side you decide side, type unit etc and on the right side of the window you will find lists for rank, flying and name etc

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Place the APC, place the units, group them units with the APC and change their Special to "In Cargo" instead of "In Formation" or "None".

Or just place a Group of Motorized infantry.

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I have placed some LAVs (not empty, but complete with crew) in the mission and have them synched for High Command. My problem is that at mission start, the LAvs are engine running and jostling for position. I want them to just sit there manned, with engine off till I tell them where to go. I am sure its a simple init line comand, just can't recall how.

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Change them from "In Formation" to "None"

Yep had done that already, but I need those engines off, at least untill I give them a move order. I have choppers on standby and th crew is sitting onboard, engines off, its the ground vehicles that are idling over at startup.

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A drastic solution would be to unit enableSimulation false; them. They won't do anything, won't even blow up should be they be destroyed, but it'll keep 'em quiet ;) Then just set it to true when you're ready to move.

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imagine you have a vehicle named c1

go to the init field of every soldier and put:

"this MoveInDriver c1", to set him as driver or pilot

"this MoveInGunner c1" to put him on gunner position

or "this MoveInCargo c1" for back seat and cargo positions


i did exactly this and i keep getting an error message that says "moveindriver: type any, expected object"

this moveindriver "a1";

apparently this code is wrong? and yes the vehicle is named a1 and no other vehicle is named a1, does it matter if it's an empty spawned vehicle?

nvm problem solved the exact code is " this moveindriver a1; " my bad

Edited by OOster

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