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Buidlings as Objectives

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I realise the information is out there somewhere bu I'm at my wits end. I'm trying to set up a static (already on teh map) building as an objective to be destroyed.

I'm aware that you need a Game Logic->Object unit on the building with the init code of House= position this nearestObject 12345;

I am also aware that you need a trigger with the condition of !(alive House) or posibly House getDamage == 1. All I want atm to have the activation of this trigger give me hint "House down."

Please help me out by either explaining or pointing me to information that is completely relevant.


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I thought just grouping a trigger to the house and setting it to not present worked but after just checking it seems not.

I'm sure it did work before 1.3.

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I thought just grouping a trigger to the house and setting it to not present worked but after just checking it seems not.

I'm sure it did work before 1.3.

I don't know I thought I tried that in ArmA and OFP but it never worked.

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I don't know I thought I tried that in ArmA and OFP but it never worked.

It does work I forgot to put the trigger over the building I'm grouping it to.

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It does work I forgot to put the trigger over the building I'm grouping it to.

Well thats good to know. I guess that answers the question too.

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No it doesn't. Could you please explain your method?

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No it doesn't. Could you please explain your method?

Create a trigger set it up as not present and place it over the building your going to check, it doesn't need to be exact as long as it's in the trigger area.

Then use the group command and drag the blue line to the center of the building.

To see if it's working go into the trigger again and you should see a static object box in place of none.

Set up a bit of text, end condition or whatever you require.

Not all objects can be grouped this way.

You are better off not using ID numbers as these can change with each patch, but there is another way posted in the link from ck_claw using nearestobject "house" ot gamelogic but the exact code I don't have at hand.

Edited by F2k Sel

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Brillian, thanks Sel. This sounds like the easiest way to do it. I've tried so many codes and scripts to get such a simple thing to work.

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I have tried this group "trick" and it workes to some degree.

I had an objective that was to destroy the air control tower..

In a test i found that a laser guided bomb made the trigger go off and all is well.

However, when i tried to blast the same buliding using the same trigger but with a tank, satchel, smaw etc, the trigger does not go off. in each instance the buliding was completly destroyed..

Anyone has a clue to why? or could this be a bug?

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Very strange it works fine on the tower at Utes.

I also tried another trick of giving the building a name, I destroy it with setdamage 1 and the trigger goes of but do the same with the tank and it fails.

I the used a trigger to check the damage and set it to >0.1.

I used a tank to destroy the building and it didn't trigger then I tried again using the tanks machine gun and it worked as it should.

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