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Set Group to stay in their current positions

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Hey all, I put together a spawn list thanks to the "hidden" 3D editor, but the group always leaves their positions to regroup. Here's my sqf:

activateAddons [

activateAddons [];

_this = createCenter west;
_this setFriend [east, 0];
_center_0 = _this;

_group_0 = createGroup _center_0;

_unit_1 = objNull;
if (true) then
 _this = _group_0 createUnit ["USMC_Soldier_SL", [7115.1094, 2731.1929, 4.3791971], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
 _unit_1 = _this;
 _this setDir 53.204597;
 _this setUnitRank "LIEUTENANT";
 _this setUnitAbility 0.60000002;
 if (true) then {_group_0 selectLeader _this;};

_unit_4 = objNull;
if (true) then
 _this = _group_0 createUnit ["USMC_Soldier_AR", [7130.8154, 2729.5913, -9.5367432e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
 _unit_4 = _this;
 _this setDir 47.592533;
 _this setUnitAbility 0.60000002;
 if (false) then {_group_0 selectLeader _this;};

_unit_6 = objNull;
if (true) then
 _this = _group_0 createUnit ["USMC_Soldier_HAT", [7130.6802, 2731.0544, -3.8146973e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
 _unit_6 = _this;
 _this setDir 47.944878;
 _this setUnitAbility 0.60000002;
 if (false) then {_group_0 selectLeader _this;};

_unit_7 = objNull;
if (true) then
 _this = _group_0 createUnit ["USMC_Soldier_Medic", [7126.21, 2733.0496, 5.7220459e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
 _unit_7 = _this;
 _this setDir 17.882479;
 _this setUnitAbility 0.60000002;
 if (false) then {_group_0 selectLeader _this;};

_unit_11 = objNull;
if (true) then
 _this = _group_0 createUnit ["USMC_Soldier_GL", [7126.8838, 2731.9563, 1.4305115e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
 _unit_11 = _this;
 _this setDir 22.584547;
 _this setUnitAbility 0.60000002;
 if (false) then {_group_0 selectLeader _this;};

_unit_12 = objNull;
if (true) then
 _this = _group_0 createUnit ["USMC_Soldier", [7130.3555, 2738.0134, -2.3841858e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
 _unit_12 = _this;
 _this setDir 25.143665;
 _this setUnitAbility 0.60000002;
 if (false) then {_group_0 selectLeader _this;};

_unit_15 = objNull;
if (true) then
 _this = _group_0 createUnit ["USMC_Soldier_AR", [7136.3901, 2736.5959, 1.6689301e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
 _unit_15 = _this;
 _this setDir 25.703291;
 _this setUnitAbility 0.60000002;
 if (false) then {_group_0 selectLeader _this;};

_unit_17 = objNull;
if (true) then
 _this = _group_0 createUnit ["USMC_Soldier", [7135.7231, 2737.7673, 1.001358e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
 _unit_17 = _this;
 _this setDir 2.9694259;
 _this setUnitAbility 0.60000002;
 if (false) then {_group_0 selectLeader _this;};

_unit_20 = objNull;
if (true) then
 _this = _group_0 createUnit ["USMC_Soldier", [7136.4409, 2741.9661, 5.7220459e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
 _unit_20 = _this;
 _this setDir -6.0564637;
 _this setUnitAbility 0.60000002;
 if (false) then {_group_0 selectLeader _this;};

_unit_24 = objNull;
if (true) then
 _this = _group_0 createUnit ["USMC_Soldier_AR", [7126.3965, 2744.6147, 1.0490417e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
 _unit_24 = _this;
 _this setDir 14.598916;
 _this setUnitAbility 0.60000002;
 if (false) then {_group_0 selectLeader _this;};

_unit_25 = objNull;
if (true) then
 _this = _group_0 createUnit ["USMC_Soldier", [7125.6934, 2746.0403, 3.8146973e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
 _unit_25 = _this;
 _this setDir 17.370535;
 _this setUnitAbility 0.60000002;
 if (false) then {_group_0 selectLeader _this;};

_unit_29 = objNull;
if (true) then
 _this = _group_0 createUnit ["USMC_Soldier_HAT", [7127.0625, 2743.3381, 4.0054321e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
 _unit_29 = _this;
 _this setDir 33.068695;
 _this setUnitAbility 0.60000002;
 if (false) then {_group_0 selectLeader _this;};

_unit_32 = objNull;
if (true) then
 _this = _group_0 createUnit ["USMC_Soldier", [7125.5913, 2752.3901, -1.9073486e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
 _unit_32 = _this;
 _this setDir 25.143665;
 _this setUnitAbility 0.60000002;
 if (false) then {_group_0 selectLeader _this;};

_unit_35 = objNull;
if (true) then
 _this = _group_0 createUnit ["USMC_SoldierS_Sniper", [7095.7852, 2735.7734, 12.292376], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
 _unit_35 = _this;
 _this setDir 27.532089;
 _this setUnitAbility 0.60000002;
 if (false) then {_group_0 selectLeader _this;};

_unit_37 = objNull;
if (true) then
 _this = _group_0 createUnit ["USMC_SoldierS_Sniper", [7103.7163, 2724.1492, 8.2464514], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
 _unit_37 = _this;
 _this setDir 25.694971;
 _this setUnitAbility 0.60000002;
 if (false) then {_group_0 selectLeader _this;};

_unit_40 = objNull;
if (true) then
 _this = _group_0 createUnit ["USMC_SoldierS_Sniper", [7103.2959, 2748.105, 8.3786211], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
 _unit_40 = _this;
 _this setDir 25.694971;
 _this setUnitAbility 0.60000002;
 if (false) then {_group_0 selectLeader _this;};

_unit_52 = objNull;
if (true) then
 _this = _group_0 createUnit ["USMC_SoldierS_Sniper", [7103.5171, 2746.9246, 3.9723809], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
 _unit_52 = _this;
 _this setDir 25.694971;
 _this setUnitAbility 0.60000002;
 if (false) then {_group_0 selectLeader _this;};

_unit_56 = objNull;
if (true) then
 _this = _group_0 createUnit ["USMC_Soldier_GL", [7090.564, 2742.3528, 12.303], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
 _unit_56 = _this;
 _this setDir 22.584547;
 _this setUnitAbility 0.60000002;
 if (false) then {_group_0 selectLeader _this;};

_unit_57 = objNull;
if (true) then
 _this = _group_0 createUnit ["USMC_Soldier_Medic", [7089.8901, 2743.446, 12.298054], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
 _unit_57 = _this;
 _this setDir 17.882479;
 _this setUnitAbility 0.60000002;
 if (false) then {_group_0 selectLeader _this;};

_unit_60 = objNull;
if (true) then
 _this = _group_0 createUnit ["USMC_Soldier_AA", [7093.5996, 2749.4988, 12.198939], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
 _unit_60 = _this;
 _this setUnitAbility 0.60000002;
 if (false) then {_group_0 selectLeader _this;};

_unit_64 = objNull;
if (true) then
 _this = _group_0 createUnit ["USMC_Soldier_AR", [7109.1738, 2737.2605, 7.844347], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
 _unit_64 = _this;
 _this setDir 14.598916;
 _this setUnitAbility 0.60000002;
 if (false) then {_group_0 selectLeader _this;};

_unit_65 = objNull;
if (true) then
 _this = _group_0 createUnit ["USMC_Soldier", [7109.2031, 2738.9431, 7.8443403], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
 _unit_65 = _this;
 _this setDir 17.370535;
 _this setUnitAbility 0.60000002;
 if (false) then {_group_0 selectLeader _this;};

_unit_66 = objNull;
if (true) then
 _this = _group_0 createUnit ["USMC_Soldier_HAT", [7110.6333, 2736.241, 7.8443766], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
 _unit_66 = _this;
 _this setDir 33.068695;
 _this setUnitAbility 0.60000002;
 if (false) then {_group_0 selectLeader _this;};

_unit_72 = objNull;
if (true) then
 _this = _group_0 createUnit ["USMC_Soldier_AR", [7092.5918, 2762.4524, 8.3594885], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
 _unit_72 = _this;
 _this setDir 49.502251;
 _this setUnitAbility 0.60000002;
 if (false) then {_group_0 selectLeader _this;};

_unit_73 = objNull;
if (true) then
 _this = _group_0 createUnit ["USMC_Soldier", [7097.8247, 2758.6704, 8.3139362], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
 _unit_73 = _this;
 _this setDir 28.385981;
 _this setUnitAbility 0.60000002;
 if (false) then {_group_0 selectLeader _this;};

_unit_79 = objNull;
if (true) then
 _this = _group_0 createUnit ["USMC_Soldier_AR", [7097.3223, 2758.2393, 4.3158779], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
 _unit_79 = _this;
 _this setDir 14.598916;
 _this setUnitAbility 0.60000002;
 if (false) then {_group_0 selectLeader _this;};

_unit_80 = objNull;
if (true) then
 _this = _group_0 createUnit ["USMC_Soldier", [7096.6191, 2759.6648, 4.3094158], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
 _unit_80 = _this;
 _this setDir 17.370535;
 _this setUnitAbility 0.60000002;
 if (false) then {_group_0 selectLeader _this;};

_unit_81 = objNull;
if (true) then
 _this = _group_0 createUnit ["USMC_Soldier_HAT", [7103.0947, 2749.0547, 4.318944], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
 _unit_81 = _this;
 _this setDir 33.068695;
 _this setUnitAbility 0.60000002;
 if (false) then {_group_0 selectLeader _this;};

_unit_88 = objNull;
if (true) then
 _this = _group_0 createUnit ["USMC_Soldier_AR", [7098.9785, 2757.3953, 2.1457672e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
 _unit_88 = _this;
 _this setDir 38.240978;
 _this setUnitAbility 0.60000002;
 if (false) then {_group_0 selectLeader _this;};

_unit_89 = objNull;
if (true) then
 _this = _group_0 createUnit ["USMC_Soldier", [7093.6978, 2763.6934, -1.0967255e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
 _unit_89 = _this;
 _this setDir 46.858162;
 _this setUnitAbility 0.60000002;
 if (false) then {_group_0 selectLeader _this;};

_unit_90 = objNull;
if (true) then
 _this = _group_0 createUnit ["USMC_Soldier_GL", [7108.2803, 2743.0078, 4.0191503], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
 _unit_90 = _this;
 _this setDir 22.584547;
 _this setUnitAbility 0.60000002;
 if (false) then {_group_0 selectLeader _this;};

_unit_95 = objNull;
if (true) then
 _this = _group_0 createUnit ["USMC_Soldier_AR", [7112.0552, 2738.6956, 0.42212349], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
 _unit_95 = _this;
 _this setDir 14.598916;
 _this setUnitAbility 0.60000002;
 if (false) then {_group_0 selectLeader _this;};
 if (true) then {selectPlayer _this;};
 if (true) then {setPlayable _this;};

_unit_96 = objNull;
if (true) then
 _this = _group_0 createUnit ["USMC_Soldier", [7111.3521, 2740.1211, 0.42211682], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
 _unit_96 = _this;
 _this setDir 17.370535;
 _this setUnitAbility 0.60000002;
 if (false) then {_group_0 selectLeader _this;};

_unit_97 = objNull;
if (true) then
 _this = _group_0 createUnit ["USMC_Soldier_HAT", [7112.7212, 2737.4189, 0.42215306], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
 _unit_97 = _this;
 _this setDir 33.068695;
 _this setUnitAbility 0.60000002;
 if (false) then {_group_0 selectLeader _this;};

_unit_103 = objNull;
if (true) then
 _this = _group_0 createUnit ["USMC_Soldier_AR", [7110.6089, 2737.1411, 3.9576108], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
 _unit_103 = _this;
 _this setDir 25.703291;
 _this setUnitAbility 0.60000002;
 if (false) then {_group_0 selectLeader _this;};

_unit_104 = objNull;
if (true) then
 _this = _group_0 createUnit ["USMC_Soldier", [7109.9839, 2738.3574, 3.9576042], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
 _unit_104 = _this;
 _this setDir 2.9694259;
 _this setUnitAbility 0.60000002;
 if (false) then {_group_0 selectLeader _this;};

_unit_109 = objNull;
if (true) then
 _this = _group_0 createUnit ["USMC_Soldier", [7102.9766, 2740.7217, 7.921771], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
 _unit_109 = _this;
 _this setDir 17.370535;
 _this setUnitAbility 0.60000002;
 if (false) then {_group_0 selectLeader _this;};

_unit_110 = objNull;
if (true) then
 _this = _group_0 createUnit ["USMC_Soldier_GL", [7102.248, 2738.5493, 7.9217691], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
 _unit_110 = _this;
 _this setDir 22.584547;
 _this setUnitAbility 0.60000002;
 if (false) then {_group_0 selectLeader _this;};

_unit_117 = objNull;
if (true) then
 _this = _group_0 createUnit ["USMC_Soldier_HAT", [7097.1206, 2724.2974, 4.3591537], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
 _unit_117 = _this;
 _this setDir -169.80249;
 _this setUnitAbility 0.60000002;
 if (false) then {_group_0 selectLeader _this;};

_unit_118 = objNull;
if (true) then
 _this = _group_0 createUnit ["USMC_Soldier_AR", [7098.23, 2723.3809, 4.3591242], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
 _unit_118 = _this;
 _this setDir -188.27228;
 _this setUnitAbility 0.60000002;
 if (false) then {_group_0 selectLeader _this;};

_unit_119 = objNull;
if (true) then
 _this = _group_0 createUnit ["USMC_Soldier", [7099.4302, 2722.3398, 4.3591175], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
 _unit_119 = _this;
 _this setDir -185.50067;
 _this setUnitAbility 0.60000002;
 if (false) then {_group_0 selectLeader _this;};

_unit_124 = objNull;
if (true) then
 _this = _group_0 createUnit ["USMC_SoldierS_Sniper", [7078.5981, 2752.0771, 7.9181628], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
 _unit_124 = _this;
 _this setDir -95.417885;
 _this setUnitAbility 0.60000002;
 if (false) then {_group_0 selectLeader _this;};

_unit_128 = objNull;
if (true) then
 _this = _group_0 createUnit ["USMC_Soldier_AR", [7092.1948, 2758.0466, 11.999557], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
 _unit_128 = _this;
 _this setDir 25.703291;
 _this setUnitAbility 0.60000002;
 if (false) then {_group_0 selectLeader _this;};

_unit_129 = objNull;
if (true) then
 _this = _group_0 createUnit ["USMC_Soldier", [7091.5278, 2759.218, 11.994253], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
 _unit_129 = _this;
 _this setDir 2.9694259;
 _this setUnitAbility 0.60000002;
 if (false) then {_group_0 selectLeader _this;};

_vehicle_5 = objNull;
if (true) then
 _this = createVehicle ["Land_fort_bagfence_long", [7106.1133, 2750.0386, 0.20156373], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
 _vehicle_5 = _this;
 _this setDir 55.240501;

_vehicle_7 = objNull;
if (true) then
 _this = createVehicle ["Land_fort_bagfence_long", [7102.9067, 2754.405, 0.21485238], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
 _vehicle_7 = _this;
 _this setDir 55.240501;

_unit_135 = objNull;
if (true) then
 _this = _group_0 createUnit ["USMC_Soldier_GL", [7105.585, 2749.0886, 3.8146973e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
 _unit_135 = _this;
 _this setDir 22.584547;
 _this setUnitAbility 0.60000002;
 if (false) then {_group_0 selectLeader _this;};

_unit_136 = objNull;
if (true) then
 _this = _group_0 createUnit ["USMC_Soldier_Medic", [7104.9111, 2750.1819, 4.2438507e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
 _unit_136 = _this;
 _this setDir 17.882479;
 _this setUnitAbility 0.60000002;
 if (false) then {_group_0 selectLeader _this;};

_unit_141 = objNull;
if (true) then
 _this = _group_0 createUnit ["USMC_Soldier_AR", [7098.0039, 2750.6528, 7.9591846], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
 _unit_141 = _this;
 _this setDir 14.598916;
 _this setUnitAbility 0.60000002;
 if (false) then {_group_0 selectLeader _this;};

_unit_142 = objNull;
if (true) then
 _this = _group_0 createUnit ["USMC_Soldier", [7097.3008, 2752.0784, 7.959178], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
 _unit_142 = _this;
 _this setDir 17.370535;
 _this setUnitAbility 0.60000002;
 if (false) then {_group_0 selectLeader _this;};

_unit_146 = objNull;
if (true) then
 _this = _group_0 createUnit ["USMC_SoldierS_Sniper", [7130.7813, 2720.3892, 24.133472], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
 _unit_146 = _this;
 _this setDir 76.626152;
 _this setUnitAbility 0.60000002;
 if (false) then {_group_0 selectLeader _this;};


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You can try [dostop this] or [this disableAI "move"].

Biki: DisableAI

I don't think you have to disable targeting like that article says but if disabling move doesn't work then you know your next step.

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Set at formation "none" on every unit. Then write in the initline of the leader:

{_x setUnitPos "MIDDLE"; _x disableAI "MOVE"; _x enableAttack FALSE} forEach units NameOfLeader;

Place the units where you want and see how they hold theyr positions.

If you want the units move back to formation:

{_x setUnitPos "Auto"; _x enableAI "MOVE"; _x enableAttack TRUE} forEach units NameOfLeader;

Is that what you want? ^^

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Set at formation "none" on every unit. Then write in the initline of the leader:

{_x setUnitPos "MIDDLE"; _x disableAI "MOVE"; _x enableAttack FALSE} forEach units NameOfLeader;

Seems a little extreme. He just want's them not to return to formation, not to ignore everything going on around them.

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It's only an example. So he can do it without _x enableAttack FALSE :rolleyes:

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That, and the disableAI "MOVE" makes him totally unable to engage enemies unless they are right in front of him.

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I know this! But he want to stay the group in their current positions. For what a situation this is used i dont know. I see no another way.

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