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How do I move a squad into a building?

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I need a group to enter a building and take up positions, the way they would enter and fill up a vehicle. Is there an easy way to do this?

When I use a HOLD or GET IN waypoint, only the leader will enter. The rest of the squad just hangs outside.

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You can either assign specific house positions to your men or there are several' enter house' scripts around here. Check Armaholic.

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You can put this in the init line of the unit. The position in the house you must find out. buildingPos 11 is one of the positions in a big house.

this setPos ((position this nearestObject "House") buildingPos 11);

Or you try the AI Urban Building/Combat Positioning Script by DaveP or the Random House Patrol script by Tophe

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If i put the this setPos with a group, then the hole group will enter the same position in the house, how is it possible to make the group to defende different positions in the house without splitting the group?

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I tried the above example and the group did move into each slot, but then immediately started to reform into formation...

I ended up splitting the squad into individual soldiers and they remained where i put them.

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I ended up splitting the squad into individual soldiers and they remained where i put them.

Yes, thats what I did to, but when I attack the bulding they dont react as a squad. And they dont communicate.

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