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simple win trigger

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i got a mission where US attacks a russian held city, and I want;

When city is clear of enemy, EVERY ONE RUSSIAN DEAD then i want it to say victory, no russians left good job.

and then mission end, how to, thanks

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place a trigger (f3) from wich u set the axis to the size u wish. choose the opfor not present and the ending u want.

in the on act u just put

hint "victory, no russians left good job."

thats one way to do it, im sure there are more and better ways...

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what i want is, if some variable gets true, music should fade in and the screen should turn black...and then the music should fade out (screen stays black) and then the mission win dialoug should appear.

How can i do that ?

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in the trigger u have the option to play music to so thats no problem, how to keep the screen black and fading i have no idea.

the variable opfor not present gets true u get just that what i wrote in the post above, and the music u can get to from the trigger. maby the other stuff someone else has a answer to, im a rookie myself in this.

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Better try this, sometimes the not present would'nt work

OPFOR trigger condition:

((count thisList) <1)


(whatIsTrue && (count list NameTrigger) <1)

Activation or script:

8 fademusic 0;
titleCut ["","Black Out",4];
sleep 4.5;
endMission "END1";

Edited by Imutep

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