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Knife or bayonets in upcoming patch?

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I was wondering if its possible to add a knife or a bayonet in upcoming patches? I remember in ofp and arma 2 there were some addons from bis when a new patch came out. Now why not add a knife or bayonet for us to put in our gear ? I mean i know people say it woulndt work or its unrealistc to have a knife or bayonet in the game but i have allready came in a couple of situations where i really needed one and died because i didnt have one. Sure never in the open field but in urban combat i sure could need one. I was in twice such situation in the same single player mission. I think it was trail by fire where i think bacause of a bug my m249 refused to reload and an Ai guy was coming around the corner i was taking cover behind . his back faced me but he turned around and shot me. Really if i had a knife i had time enough to take it from my gear and stab him. It really felt like a shortcoming. Not that arma2 has many but it felt this way non the less. The second time was when i ran out of ammo in the same mission not far from where the other incident happend. So how about it Bis? Would a knife be possible in a future patch?

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knife/Bayonet is for hand2hand combat (sort of anyway) and it would be difficult to implement here i think.. There was a mod for OFP1 that had bayonets i think.

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