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dynamic time and weather?

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hi i am making a free roam map and i would like dynamic time and weather. is this possable?:confused:

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Time and weather change all the time. Can you explain what you mean by dynamic?

And is this for single or multiplayer?

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i dunno what it means just im on editor and i need random time and weather

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To fiddle with the time setting use the command skipTime

To mess with the weather change setFof, setRain, setOvercast (all of them uses a scale from 0 to 1, where zero means nothing and oine means full effect.)

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oh btw its for single player

---------- Post added at 10:03 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:02 AM ----------

i dont want it toskip time but have real time like 24 hours ina day and random weather

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i dont want it toskip time but have real time like 24 hours ina day

Time in ArmA 2 already passes in real time (24 hr days). Perhaps you want to accelerate it (ex: 1 min real time = 1 hour game time)?

As for random weather, isn't there a module for that?

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hmmmm maby 2 minute hours would be cool... but i did not know arma2 was real time i thought it was set time.

how do you make 1 minute hours?

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  sleep 60;
  skipTime 1;

Of course if you want smoother transitions you could decreas the intervals in which it skips (Ex. 0.5 every 30 seconds). However it could also decrease performance.

Edited by Big Dawg KS

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where do i put this in mission.mqf? and also im ganna have 30 minutes to an hour so can you plz edit your code

---------- Post added at 11:34 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:17 AM ----------

big dawg ever since i put tha command in my mission sqf it crashes when i try to load it and gives me this error message file c:/username/Documents/ArmA2/missions/free roam.chernarus/mission.sqm,line 7766 '.while.' '{' ecountered instead of '='

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If I were you I would create a file called accTime.sqf in the mission folder alongside the mission.sqm.

In that file use this code:

_ratio = _this select 0;
_skipInterval = _this select 1;

  sleep _skipInterval;
  skipTime ((_skipInterval / 3600) * _ratio);

Then make another file called init.sqf with the folliwing:

[0.5,60] execVM "accTime.sqf"

Assuming my math is correct, this will make 0.5 hours real time equal to 1 hour game time, and update the time every 60 seconds.

If you change the 0.5 or the 60 you can change the speed and skip interval.

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