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Formal Complaint

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I know here like ANY other forum the mods have to put up with alot of shit, but unlike alot of other forums the mods here have developed a serious elitist attitude.

I have experienced (but seen more towards others) some rude and very unprofessional behaviour (which I'm guilty of but then I'm not a role model here like the mods are... sorry SHOULD be.

I've been banned for breaking 'forum rules' but have seen mods break there own rules, being down right rude... its like NYC 'Zero tolerance' enforced by corrupt cops.

I'm not pointing my finger at all the mods but there are a handful that need a smack otherwise how can you (the mods) enforce rules that your fellow mods sometimes choose to ignore... and/or out right break.

The worst effect of this is I see senior members picking up this attitude of elitism.

I've seen and being victim to 'senior' members flaming ppl for asking questions ffs but when the original poster gives an equally rude reply to the flamers they get banned and the rude flaming 'senior' member is still posting the next day, its F*^&ing BS and it scares alot of new comers away, that I know.

I'd say more but I'll end my rant here.... standing by for attacks and the eventual closing of this thread.

PS I Love ArmA2, I f&%king love it... my problem is with these forums and the elitist attitude of mods and how its spreading to senior members... soon you''ll all be able to swim around in your ego's.

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then go play the game if you love it,and stop crying in the forum.:D

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I'm also against flames. I think if anyone asks a reasonable question and gets flamed for it then people are being idiots. If people post posts that blatently break the rules and are there purely to incite trouble then they deserve to be flamed, I'm just glad the mods are smart enough to lock the thread. (I mean other threads, not this one)

That said, in the end if you don't like the moderators attitudes you can always take the approach of ignoring them or just not reading the forums. If there's a TV show on tv that I don't want to watch, I change the channel. I'm not trying to sound annoying and not saying that you are wrong, just saying that you have a choice.

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BIS has a tight group of hardcore fans, mostly modders, and they stick up for them when someone has something bad to say about them. Do not expect to get any support or sympathy when you are criticising BIS games (In this case Arma2). I have sought help with many bugs in these forums only to find myself meeting people that have similar feelings/problems, that then grew into a great frustration which then started to attract attention of the loyalists. Which is fine and I respect that, I understand BIS is small time trying to get their heads above water in a big boys industry, what I would like is a bit more voice on an official level letting us know whats happening.

Instead I think they are too busy getting the console versions out rather than fixing the PC version.

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Instead I think they are too busy getting the console versions out rather than fixing the PC version.

You are aware there's a 1.03 patch coming soon aren't you??

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Instead I think they are too busy getting the console versions out rather than fixing the PC version.


What he said:

You are aware there's a 1.03 patch coming...

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I have to say, the average age of the forum poster here is about 12... you all suck b@lls!


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If you have a complaint to make I'm not hard to find, posting your complaint in ArmA 2: General would contravene a couple of forum rules in itself.

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