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Ludovico Technique

Extending AI engagement range

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Lo folks, am building a mission for which I need the AI to start putting down rounds at very long range for it to work, up to 1000m potentially. They don't have to be accurate, indeed it'd be better if they weren't. Is there any way to tweak this on a per-mission basis? I've tried using spotting skill changes but I'm not sure what they actually translate to in practice.

What I basically want is for a dug in enemy to start firing early, because I'm expecting the players to start shooting at great distance and I don't want them to just sit there and take it.

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Hi, I know this thread is old already, but I'm sitting with a similar question now and was wondering if you (or anyone else) ever found a solution?

I know there was a TrueRangeAI addon for arma1 but couldn't find anything similar for arma2. And besides it would be nice if it would simply work on a per-mission basis since I don't want to break all my other missions.

Is anything being worked on or how goes?

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I don't know about 1000m but I used the {unit reveal _x} foreach units group command. I have had a M2 HMVEE fire at me from over 500 meters after a few seconds delay.

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You could also look up "Indirect Fire" on the search, I came across something the other day where you can inform units to fire on invisible heli (dunno if it will work at distance, may be worth a shot though)

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Just a quick question, does this work ?

{grpHunters reveal _x} forEach units mygroup;

Do all units in grpHunters know about all units of mygroup ?

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Yes they will. Obviously, that does not guarantee what they will do with the information.

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