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For all you scripting Gurus

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I am wondering if it is possible to script IR strobe lights for the various reasons:

1. Night time extraction

2. Pilot identification for chopper search and rescue. (in water and on land)

3. Marking a target

4. Marking friendlies on the ground for the CAS that comes inbound.

Im also wondering would it be possible to script something that shows last coordinates where a pilot ejected? kinda like a "blackbox" or "beacon signal" for chopper search and rescue as well as other various reasons?

Thats just the beginning of the possibilities in my head for what would be an amazing script if i could get guidance!


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IR strobes - yes it is possible, ACE`1 already has them, ACE2 will deof have them on release

Last know eject location for a pilot should also be possible

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Thanks Pufu for letting me know that IR strobes are in Ace2. I am looking forward to Ace2 alot however i wanted to know what i would have to work with script wise to make IR strobe possible now in game. Unfortunately waiting till Ace2 comes out doesnt help me because I need these things I thought about doing for training for aviation squadron im in.

So...that being said can anyone help steer me in the right direction to where I might start to tinker with a certain action to get this to work for me now in a training op we have running now? Sorry I didnt make myself more clear in the previous post.


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Sounds like something that would be very useful... hope you can make it happen wjpenn. Sorry I don't have any useful info on it... I don't know nothing about it... but this did catch my attention. Otherwise, it's waiting for Ace2 i guess.

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