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Making an Addon Mandatory

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Hello all.

I'm currently in the process of configuring my own server for Clan Usage.

But there's one small thing I cant figure out how to do, and that is making an Addon mandatory to join my server.

Would anyone be willing to help me with my little problem?

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In server.cfg, I belive you just need to check off these two:

verifySignatures=1;					// Verifies the players files by checking them with the .bisign signatures. Works properly from 1.08 on
equalModRequired=1;					// If set to 1, player has to use exactly the same -mod= startup parameter as the server.

And then of course start the server with the same mods that the clients need to connect with.

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Doesn't the equalmodrequired=1 only demand the same modfolders?

So the server with -mod=abc;xyz kicks a player with -mod=abc;xyz;123 and even -mod=123 where 123 includes the same addons the server has in modfolders abc and xyz?

Someone with -mod=abc;xyz can join even when he hasn't got the folders, it only checks the shortcut for the same parameters, or has that changed from Arma 1?

The BIKI says it even checks for the same order, so xyz;abc get's kicked too.

Verifysignatures checks that addons used by the player are allowed on the server and not changed from the official signed release. It kicks when an addon is unsigned/not allowed but doesn't check if the user hasn't got the addon.

The only check for an addon is done when the mission requires it. But when the mission doesn't I guess checkfiles[]={"dta\bin.pbo","a10\config.bin"}; is what you want, check for the config of your addon for example. See again the Biki Link.

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the best way to do that would be to add the addon you want to use on the server to the mission addon request. It could take a bit of editing, but would do the job in the end.

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