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Explain huge performance difference between Windows Vista and Windows 7 (32bit)

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Should note that it's not the be all end all. For older hardware you're better staying with Vista, or XP, due to the new version of the aero interface. It has troubles on older graphics cards, but in most cases there should be a performance hike.

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Here's what I've noticed. I dual boot Windows 7 64bit and Windows XP 32bit. Running SLI'd 8800GTX Ultras @ 2560x1600. Pretty much every set to normal in game. The problem I see is centered around SLI. Running the same nVidia drivers in both operating systems

With SLI enabled in Windows 7 64bit, the game runs ok. It's playable with the latest drivers. Nothing spectacular, but playable.

People seemed to think that XP runs the game better so I boot into it. In XP with SLI enabled, after about 5 minutes of playing the game gets extremely choppy even tho the FPS appear to be higher than they are in Win 7. Turning off SLI makes the game playable again but you loose the FPS running a single card.

Since I'm running the Steam version of A2, the game is loading off the same HD so it's not a hard drive issue.

You would think that running in XP would be so much better but it isn't. There's definitly an SLI related issue going on and its pissing me off. I wish someone else could test this to see what they get.

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Make sure all your CCC settings are set to App pref. And you cant turn Vsync off in the vista Cat driver, you still have it on, hence your bad "performance.

you still have Vsync on.... a ATI "feature". Do you exceed your LCDs refresh rate? i would think is 60hz, so if you turn it all down to low, and start up armory,utes, and look up in the sky do you get over 60fps, and not 61,62 ect but like 80 or 100?

Are your Arma2.cfg's the same? As a new rc7 install is clean and not many apps?, were as your everyday comp Vist32 is fully setup..?

I disable V-sync via ATI Tray Tools game profiles. And believe me - it IS set to off. In starting menu i have 90fps.

Don't know about arma cfg's, because i didn't touch those. But on win7 i can run game with higher settigs (full resolution 1920x1200, not 1600x1200) and get more fps.

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Do I need a new Motherboard of i`m running Arma +All DLC on Essentio Series Geforce 660 Ti Win Vista 64-bit and want to upgrade to Vista 7(?maybe?),and are getting a Geforce MX 670 or 680-90 ,like the one in the demos online? Does Asus Essentio Series accept a Geforce 680 out of the box without a new motherboard? Or is it better to go with some AMD-card?:j:


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First, there is no "Vista 7". There is "Windows Vista" and "Windows 7".

Second, congrats in digging up a 3.5 year old thread.

Third, your question would perfectly fit into the "Will my PC run this" thread which is stickied and hard to miss.

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