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Real face textures..

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Personally, I find "profile" options very poor, an idea is ,a patch by Bohemia's side or a mod by the community site, with options to allow your personal photo as a face texture, I think some games used that at the past and was so cool ( its easy also ).

Especially in Arma2 I think that would be awesome!:yay:

So, what do you think? Shall they bring it on for Arma2?

Edited by Vylker

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You can already do this. Just grab a template face texture and paste a photo of yourself on it, and throw it in your user profile folder. It would require a bit of photoshop knowledge, but you should have expected that. It would look like crap otherwise, even if the game did it for you.

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  Big Dawg KS said:
You can already do this. Just grab a template face texture and paste a photo of yourself on it, and throw it in your user profile folder. It would require a bit of photoshop knowledge, but you should have expected that. It would look like crap otherwise, even if the game did it for you.

where to get the template face texture?

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I think there's a link floating somewhere around these forums. Search for it. If not you can always just depbo the PBO containing the face textures and pick one yourself to use as a template.

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It has to be named face.jpg and be 128*128 or 256*256 or 512*512 and you drop it in your user profile. And voilà.

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  EricM said:
It has to be named face.jpg and be 128*128 or 256*256 or 512*512 and you drop it in your user profile. And voilà.

You can go bigger, but you need to stay in the default sizes, mine is 1024*1024 you can also go 2048*2048 but to play in MP with the face texture you need to stay under 100kb in filesize or else you just have a white texture and it's harder to do this with larger sized images.

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Thanks, could someone explain with details how could this be?

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