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About spotting enemies

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Is it normal that i cant spot enemies (by holding right mouse button) when im not the squad leader...

I meen the AI can spot them, the human squad leader can spot them but not the other players

if the leader dies, and i become the leader, i suddently can spot them

If its normal, is there a way to active spotting for other players in the squad... thx

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All soldiers can reveal target no matter if they are group leader or not.

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All soldiers can reveal target no matter if they are group leader or not.

Well it doesnt work for me or my friends when we play a custom coop mission... whatever the mission is

can someone help me

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I have noticed this too online. I hear other humans in the squad calling targets, but it doesn't seem to work for me. It also happens with calling targets you have killed e.g. "Scratch One", "Hostile Down". Unless I right click on the dead target almost immediately after I have killed it I cant report contact destroyed. I think there was a "timeout" for this in Arma1, but It was a hell of a lot longer.

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You can use 5 - 7 to report a kill, not sure if it functions the same as right-clicking on it though.

I've not noticed not being able to report targets. Are you positive you're the only one who's seen it when you're trying to report it?

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I'm new too, and I'm curious about how targeting works. I'm starting to think it's a function of the difficulty level chosen. I've noticed that when you go from "Regular" to "Veteran", many of the HUD icons and graphics are taken away. For instance, in Veteran I can't see my waypoints indicated outside of the map, nor can I see my squad icons without selecting the actual members.

Given all that, I imagine the difficulty level is taking the red target indicators away as well. Perhaps on the higher difficulty you have to simply go on "Man X Meters North!" or "enemy car southwest of novy sobor!".

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I'm new too, and I'm curious about how targeting works. I'm starting to think it's a function of the difficulty level chosen. I've noticed that when you go from "Regular" to "Veteran", many of the HUD icons and graphics are taken away. For instance, in Veteran I can't see my waypoints indicated outside of the map, nor can I see my squad icons without selecting the actual members.

If you go into the game options and select Difficulty, you'll see the different difficulty levels and you can modify them to your liking. Harder settings will have some of the options disabled and won't let you enable them. But you'll be able to see exactly what the differences are and what assistance you lose as you go up the levels.

I don't think the reveal target thing should be affected by the difficulty level. This is where you put a target in the center of the screen and hit the right mouse button (by default - "reveal target" command) and you'll tell the rest of your squad about it (assuming they don't already know).

This provides the contact reports, i.e. Enemy MAN not far IN FRONT of US.

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Well when i "reveal target" it shows on the map but no voice is comming out

and no one can hear me... its not only for me but everyone that is not squad leader or AI (lower grade AI can call them no problem)

I dont know.. i never had this problem in Arma1... i too thought it was related to difficulty lvl but, how come the AI can spot them and call them out

I can give my status and ask for medic no problem

But cant spot enemies... I really need someone to enlight me about that.

(and like i said, i know how to reveal target... when squad leader dies and i become the squad leader, i suddently can reveal everthing.)

PS: Same problem about calling a dead target... i need to be very close and do it fast or it wont work

PLZZ help!!!

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For commanding AI groups you should delete the "Exit Menu" bind on right mouse button.

When you don't get feedback for reporting a target the reason is that it was already revealed to your leader by a grouped AI or scripting. Nonetheless I've got the feeling that following reveals are possible and do update the friendly ai info. The reason for only one radio message for the first detection will be to prevent ai radio spamming.

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when we play... we order the AI to stay at the spawn point. Usually we make them follow us later in our coop missions... So there is no way they call them before me

Im the first one to get into position and spot targets and it still doesnt work

Try it... get into a coop misison with a friend go first and try to reveal target... it simply doesnt work

If you know why... plz tell me

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Opposite problem for me. Last night, example, I called out 6 - 7 enemy positons, plus a vehicle. I give you my word, I could not see 1 single target at all. And was left wondering WTH. :( Had a sniper rifle and spent ages loooking, but nothing to be seen from my position.

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I play coop with RaidX, and I am usualy the squad leader, my avatar will reveal lots of target that I dont even see without me doing anything, when raid is the first to his position and I still havent reveal any target, he still cant reveal any, and the target he see have never been revealed by anyone else... when I die and RaidX become the squad leader he can then reveal anything and me I cant reveal anymore...

It's like if only the squad leader is able to reveal targets to the group... but if we have AI following us, even if they are not squad leader, they dont have any problem revealing any target...

Something is obviously broken here and a fix may be needed

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You and the AI can also hear targets like vehicles or shooting even when you can't see them. I don't know if it is realistic or not as sometimes it seems that the AI can hear or see really well and report about things before they even get there.

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You and the AI can also hear targets like vehicles or shooting even when you can't see them. I don't know if it is realistic or not as sometimes it seems that the AI can hear or see really well and report about things before they even get there.

If that was the case, we would hear the AI calling them

but since i dont hear them, im guessing they just havent reveal anything yet.

But like i said.. if i look at the target, he appear on the map but thats it.

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I have noticed this too online. I hear other humans in the squad calling targets, but it doesn't seem to work for me.

Bumping this again. Anyone else figured this out or is it just a bug? with not being able to call targets unless I'm the squadleader. If it is a bug has it been reported in the bug tracker? Its very annoying to have functionality we have had for over a decade suddenly gone...

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AI reveal system is extremely annoying in public coop games. I suggest turning off auto reveal for all servers, and all players should reconfigure their right mouse (scoped view) button to NOT do reveal. If you need the function, please bind it to another key.

It is increadibly annoying getting all those "rifleman at...." and "one less" messages using builtin voice. It is so loud that any attempt on ingame communications are drowned in the noise. And they sure don't wait until the com is clear.

Why would you reveal a target using builtin voice? Use your own, maybe others can actually understand a more detailed description. If you are playing human and AI against AI coop, I can understand it somewhat as to reveal them to your friendly AI. But with human players I can't see how this can be useful at all.

@Tinker: Your problem might be a server with autoreveal turned on. Basically anything in your sight and hearing distance (as if you was an AI) will be revealed to you.

Edited by CarlGustaffa

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Well the fact is it's a bug that has broken intended functionality that a lot of people found useful since OFP and I don't find it annoying at all. When they are fixing it they can add an option to properly disable it for servers, although its sounds like this option might already exist from your description.

The problems you describe also sound like bugs with other systems.


The reporting voice is too loud: That is why we also need separate Audio volume slider for VOIP.

Lots of things being reported are not near: Again another bug. In OFP and Arma1 the only things that are reported are the things you aim at and right click. Or if your very high up (in a aircraft/parachute) and things in your immediate area.

People are too quick to just use workarounds. There are so many things that we have to "work around", you can see just by properly addressing the issues with one bug they can fix two others.

Edited by -=seany=-

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I agree on the AI being too loud and that we need separate volume controls. And yes, auto reveal can be turned off to some extent by server setting. The annoying thing about it is that it interferes with human communications. Everytime someone aims at something, it will start talking, and my much more impiortant message is lost and/or I have to retransmit. I can tell with detail "enemy infantry, 200m, right of yellow house", instead of some arbitrary direction which says absolutely nothing. Unless you use map info turned on, which I think is a big cheat unless you play only with AI, which will definately help describing the situation AND keep you updated about it. But playing a human coop, that help shouldn't really be needed.

I tested this "bug" in 1.02 I think, and found it to be massively misunderstood by most reporting it as a bug. AI have hearing abilities, and based on hearing alone, a guestimation on i.e. enemy vehicle positions are made by the AI and revealed to you. However, if you plotted a marker on the actual position and the perceived position, they were separated by quite some distance. Over a rigde, all it tells me is i.e. that there is a tank somewhere on the other side of the rigde. When you get up there and get a visual, it will update accordingly.

I'm not saying it works flawlessly, or that it doesn't contain any buggy situations, but afaik the typical bug you and so many other have described in the past, is nonexistent for the most part. And probably one of the better features in the game, even a quite unique feature I guess.

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