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major woody

Customize High-Command interface

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1. Can I customize my High-command interface. I'm not particular impressed by the markers the game uses to show my units. If I play as a companycommander and command an infantry platoon where the pltHQ consist of a two man group who command three squats, the platoon leader are shown on my scrren as a team - is it possible to change it so it shows a platoon instead? - or can I even use custommade markers? - coc's fx?

2. Is it only the commander of a grooup who can use use the high-command interface? - If I have severel players in a group in a multiplayer game, can all players also use the interface then?

3. Transport - I reasenly found out that this feature are missing atm - but have anybody heard/know about if this is gonna change in the next/ or any upcomming patch?

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There seems to be no way to make chain of command work, at least not that I've seen discussed anywhere and not that I've managed to make work. Even regular high command is buggy on occasion.

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We have played high command on a LAN where I was the company commander and my two sons were each platoon leaders, in turn using HC to control their squads.

We have played a ton of HC on the LAN and it's worked like a charm everytime. What HC wont do is pass on the HC function to the next guy in the group if you die using group respawn but it will allow you to retain HC if you use base_respawn

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I REALLY miss the COC CEX - It had all the feauters mentioned above... - I really hope the High Module will be improved in the future, otherwise I'll have to do an effort in converting the CEX if possible...

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1. ... can I even use custommade markers? - coc's fx?

You can set custom marker using following code:

(group player) setvariable ["MARTA_customIcon","b_recon"];

Marker system is one of the last ones which are not described on Wiki, I'll try to fix it ASAP.

EDIT: MARTA_customIcon, not MARTA_customMarker. Sorry for confusion.

2. Is it only the commander of a grooup who can use use the high-command interface? - If I have severel players in a group in a multiplayer game, can all players also use the interface then?

You can have several High Commanders in groups, but not with same subordinate groups. Sharing command is not possible and everyone have to have different units.

3. Transport - I reasenly found out that this feature are missing atm - but have anybody heard/know about if this is gonna change in the next/ or any upcomming patch?

Ability to issue orders "get in" or "get out" are currently missing and are not planned to be added anytime soon. There are several problems tied to it (what if groups doesn't fit to one vehicle; what if mech. group is in APC and player wants crew to stay in and everyone else disembark; what if he want crew to disembark too; ...).

Besides, AI is using vehicle automatically when it's in group (members of mechanized infantry will board APC when they're moving far enough).

Edited by Moricky

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Thanks for the info Gaia, HC is really a neat feature. Kinda like CoC light. I wonder if it would be possible when giving SITREP, we could also have ammo status for the groups? As of right now, we only see how many men we have for that group

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(members of mechanized infantry will board APC when they're moving far enough). 

I'm aware of that - but the vehicle has to be in the group then.

There are several problems tied to it (what if groups doesn't fit to one vehicle; what if groups doesn't fit to one vehicle;

Very simple: They just don't get in - just like if your order them in a vehicle as a groupleader.

what if mech. group is in APC and player wants crew to stay in and everyone else disembark;

By using a "load/unload" command I suppose.

what if he want crew to disembark too;

By using an "embark/disembark" command" I guess.

Wherever you use "load/unload" or "embark/disembark" I'm sure depends of wherever you command the group or the vehicle. At least that's my experience form CEX :)

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Can someone explain to me how exactly to use custom markers. I've tried to write this line: (group player) setvariable ["MARTA_CUSTOMMARKER","b_recon"]; in both the players, the HC module and the HC subordinate module with no luck so far. Can I also make it show the right strength aswell? (I would like it to show platoonstrength instead of just a team).

Edited by Major Woody
wrong spelling

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Still no answers nor solutions yet... Does'nt any one know how to set custom markers in the High Command Intarface...?!?

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