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Quick question: forcing AI to stand up universally

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Heya, I know of the command:

{_x setunitpos "UP"} foreach thislist

which would force any AI to stand up and remain standing. But due to my laziness I wanted to know if it was possible to make it so that instead of having to go to all the units and add that into the activation trigger, if it was simply possible to just add that command into the trigger, but also just add another command which would be set for all opfors to remain standing.

Hope its easy to understand, but simply, Id like to make all Opfors remain standing in a mission, but i wanted to know if there was a faster way to make all of them stand with this command, without having to place the command into each of their init fields.


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Create a group and type what you typed

{_x setunitpos "up"} foreach unit group this

Copy and place them over the map and now you have many opfors standing....

can't find more than this,i am lazy too:D:yay:

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forEach Units;

try this - now add inside a filter:

{ if (_x side == EAST) then { _x setunitpos "UP"; }; } forEach Units;

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great cheers guys, thanks for the help

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