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Single/Multiplayer Mission forums.

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Not sure if this has been mentioned, and its not a game/patch suggestion:

What about a couple of sub forums for the User Missions section? One for SP missions and one for MP. Allmost everytime I check that part of the forums, I see new misions, check them...only to find they are multi player missions. Seems a small point, but 12 months from now, it would be nice to have the probable hundreds of missions sperated into the 2 sections.

I know I could head over to a site like armaholic, but its on these forums where the best feedback, comments and criticisms are, so its here I decide which to try and which not to. Im sure I'm not alone here, well, I don't think I'm alone on this.

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I agree!

Within MP, I'd also like so see Coop types seperated from all those respawn-o-matic types.

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So where do the respawn-based coop misssions go to in your suggestion, as they seem to be the most popular type of missions out there? :D

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The recycle bin?!?

Did I just say that? No really, to each his own. :)

I actually prefer something in between permadeath (too frustrating) and unlimited respawn (total absence of fear of death). Group respawn is good is a good balance between the two, but for longer missions something else is required. With long group respawn missions, once you lose that last man you get to sit and watch you buddy for long periods of time until he either finishes the mission or gets killed, knowing you have no possibility of returning to play.

IMO, as you and I were discussing over on laggy's poll for story based missions, some inventive type of limited respawn would be ideal. As in, each player bears personal responsibility for getting killed. Get killed too many times and your stuck spectating until the remainder of the team can complete certain objectives, which result in the team acquiring additional team members... at which point you as the spectating player are bailed out and can return to play.

Difficult to write the required scripts for this, but it could be reused across many story based coop missions!

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Basically to cause fear of death you need to lose the game when your team is dead and/or lose points in a direct (penalty for death) and/or indirect (lose points because the zone you were defending was captured while you were respawning). Losing the game is what happens in a no-respawn game, which results in forcing you to make the game boring, short or unplayable. In a respawn-based game it requires you to balance it properly so that dying always has a meaning to the end score and isn't (not even sometimes) just an insignificant side effect. Forcing you to take a long travel time or to wait a long time before respawning is just heading more towards the "unplayable game with no respawns" kind, and you really don't want to go too far in that direction.

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