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Some textures appear blurred in buldozer

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I have this odd problem. Most of the time buldozer renders everything fine with crisp textures but for few weapon models all textures appear very blurred. These weapons use 1024x1024 texture for diffuse and materials but they look like they used 256x256 or smaller texture when rendered.

It sounds like a mip mapping error but for some reason it only occurs on few specific models. These models work just fine when I render them in ArmA1 buldozer so I'm kind of confused here :). I have also tried to remade all paa-files but that didn't help either.

Any ideas what's wrong here?

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I've had that issue in the past. It was fixed (for me at least) by changing all of my DEFAULT ArmA PROFILE settings to max. Keep in mind this isn't your normal ingame profile, but the one ArmA creates when you install it (the one you usually can't rename).

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Thanks Jackal but unfortunately the problem remains. I also tried to render BIS AKS74U model with ArmA2 textures & materials and they too were blurred. Vehicles and soldiers however remain unaffected which makes this all the more puzzling :confused:. Also weapons that are blurred work just fine in game.

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I need help on particule texture.

I made a texture of explosion but when i test it on A2, I've got this result :


Blurred ... mip map problem, the model is a simple plane with texture apply on it.

Do you have any idea about this issue ?

I test to change all video settings : not solved

mipmap in TextView : not solved

O2 face properties scales U&V parameters : not solved

Thanks in advance,

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I have this odd problem. Most of the time buldozer renders everything fine with crisp textures but for few weapon models all textures appear very blurred. These weapons use 1024x1024 texture for diffuse and materials but they look like they used 256x256 or smaller texture when rendered.

It sounds like a mip mapping error but for some reason it only occurs on few specific models. These models work just fine when I render them in ArmA1 buldozer so I'm kind of confused here :). I have also tried to remade all paa-files but that didn't help either.

Any ideas what's wrong here?

I have this too, i think that the larger the texture the more blurry the buldozer representation will be, when i doubled the size of my infantry texture so i could add extra bits of texture for other model parts it became much more blurred in buldozer. I'm no expert on it though, just something i happened to notice...

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I used the Filter - > Sharpen and Filter -> Sharpen Edges option in photoshop, saved as a TGA and converted, looks decent now and less blurry.

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