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Manhatten Walkthrough (Spoilers Obviously)

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I cannot get in the APC also how do you tell it where to go?

you should always get the option when standing to the front left side of it. As with my walkthrough, its always better to be the driver because AI takes all day and will slow to a halt everytime the road curves. on the flipside always have AI on the guns because they make up for their poor "driving miss daisy" driving with rambo precision when it comes to nailing enemy hidden in a forest in a moving apc.

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If I may ask a question, I escorted Lagusha to LZ Jersey to be picked up by Lt. Marny's men but they still haven't shown up. I killed the attacking Chedaki but something very strange happened, during the firefight a Russian helicopter crashed destroying two enemy vehicles and I also found an empty camp 50m from the crash site. How long should it take for the CDF to pick up Lagusha?

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If I may ask a question, I escorted Lagusha to LZ Jersey to be picked up by Lt. Marny's men but they still haven't shown up. I killed the attacking Chedaki but something very strange happened, during the firefight a Russian helicopter crashed destroying two enemy vehicles and I also found an empty camp 50m from the crash site. How long should it take for the CDF to pick up Lagusha?

The Russian helicoptor that crashed was the CDF that was suppost to pick her up. You will have to revert to a previous save point.

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It was an Mi-24 with Russian markings (Red Star with white border). Is that the same one that picks her up?

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I'm pretty sure that was Lagusha's ride. The same thing happened to me both times that I played Manhattan. Probably if you take out the nearby camp and the two UAZs then the chopper wont get shot down. Doesn't really matter though because the mission is really an optional one in regards to progressing to the next mission. In my case I just went back to Lagusha's car and found her waiting there. Nothing happens when you talk to her the second time so I just shot her.

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Okay, I'll just try that then.

At first, the helicopter actually saved my life so I thought it was a good thing but now I realize he was just flying erratically and happened to take out both vehicles.

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The Russian helicoptor that crashed was the CDF that was suppost to pick her up. You will have to revert to a previous save point.

Or you can just shoot her, it will still mark as a successfully completed objective because you arrested her which was what the objective was to do. You just don't get the evidence (which to be honest doesn't really have any impact in later missions).

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Or you can just shoot her, it will still mark as a successfully completed objective because you arrested her which was what the objective was to do. You just don't get the evidence (which to be honest doesn't really have any impact in later missions).

Got confused about the location of main base with sotnya inside and the sentry camps, would u tell me the location please ?:)

any help will be great :D thx

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If your looking for the main base it is to the north of the road running between Krasnostav and Gvozdno and at the base of a prominent mountain in a field at the edge of some woods. I should be visible if you search the area with a UAV but I just stumbled upon it. It's guarded typically by a platoon-sized patrol and two armored vehicles, I believe a T-72 and BMP-2 facing north-northwest. The 81mm mortar battery took care of them, wait for reinforcements to arrive before assaulting.

I'll try the mission once more and if the helicopter gets lost again, Lagusha may have dinner date with Stalin.

Edited by ZachNCheese

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If your looking for the main base it is to the north of the road running between Krasnostav and Gvozdno and at the base of a prominent mountain in a field at the edge of some woods. I should be visible if you search the area with a UAV but I just stumbled upon it. It's guarded typically by a platoon-sized patrol and two armored vehicles, I believe a T-72 and BMP-2 facing north-northwest. The 81mm mortar battery took care of them, wait for reinforcements to arrive before assaulting.

I'll try the mission once more and if the helicopter gets lost again, Lagusha may have dinner date with Stalin.

Thx, I'll try it soon, I hope that bug doesn't delete the artillery support from my list, but if that happend...:(

I have to attack that base without any reinforcement (damn Im not a rambo:eek:!!!)

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Bad news, I couldn't found any artillery support in the list...

Someone help me, if any way to accomplished the mission without restart from the beginning , that would be great :)

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At FOB Manhattan, there's an LAV-25 (medium armor) and an AAVP7A1 (light armor). Those would definitely help and if you could figure out how to employ the UH-1Y's M134 Dillon miniguns, those would make short work of dang near anything on the ground.

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At FOB Manhattan, there's an LAV-25 (medium armor) and an AAVP7A1 (light armor). Those would definitely help and if you could figure out how to employ the UH-1Y's M134 Dillon miniguns, those would make short work of dang near anything on the ground.

I knew it, LAV-25 is boomerang right ? but it is destroyed shortly after met with T-72 in enemy main base :butbut: There are 2 T-72 in the base.

I had destroyed one T-72 but I couldn't destroy another one, if only the artillery appear (callsign "mike") it would be easy to overrun the enemy main base:cool:

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I have also tried and tried and tried and tried but no arty invincible tank and super soldiers pelt with lav cannon, sneaked aroun and looked at devistaed base and found sudden respawn of units ERRRRR why cant they sort these bugs out in this game.. It just forces me to throw the game away and go back to a less bug riden but eqaully as bad flashpoint 2

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the t72's are not invincible you have the option at base to pick up a javelin and launcher. I took out the t72 in one single hit

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demonsss, If you don't have the artillery option then take Archamedes advice. Go back to Manhattan, load up on anti armor weapons ( you can put them in your APC). Take out the BMP from a safe distance. Then take out the T-72 from a safe distance. Hop back into your APC and use the cannon to take out the remaining infantry. No problem.

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I'm trying to destroy the main camp and I can't call Boomerang because the radio doesn't appear when I'm on the map view.

Please help.

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jeffroland has shown the right way (i had no artillery and no boomerang). I have found the same solution but i have noticed that same distance is very "relative". Killing the BMP was not the problem but the T72 is in the camp and every time i have killed then tank i was killed 2 seconds later because the guys have found me immediately in the forest, in the grass and against the sun and even when 80% of my body were protected by a rock. I have finally only survied because the APC made a direct attack, i killed the T72 from the side and the camper had to deal with the APC.

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I have used a launcher (SMAW) and all the others attacked in a LAV-25.

BTW NAPA has no AT weapon and driving a LAV in their camp clears the object easily. I used the same dirty tactic in the forest but here you have drive the LAV yourself.

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I have used a launcher (SMAW) and all the others attacked in a LAV-25.

BTW NAPA has no AT weapon and driving a LAV in their camp clears the object easily. I used the same dirty tactic in the forest but here you have drive the LAV yourself.

like i said in an eralier post you can actually complete this mission without firing a single shot from your rifle if you use the LAV. Its a bit lazy but it gets through it much quicker and also if your quick enough to find the enemy base as early as possible you can use arty before the STILL UNFIXED bug kicks in

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If I may interject quickly, for anyone trying to complete the objective of transporting Lagushina to LZ Jersey there is an easy way without using armored vehicles. You arm your team with a SMAW launcher and insert by helicopter on top of the LZ. If you stray away from the LZ, it will not let you complete the mission; the SMAW makes it possible to kill the vehicles from a considerable distance.

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If I may interject quickly, for anyone trying to complete the objective of transporting Lagushina to LZ Jersey there is an easy way without using armored vehicles. You arm your team with a SMAW launcher and insert by helicopter on top of the LZ. If you stray away from the LZ, it will not let you complete the mission; the SMAW makes it possible to kill the vehicles from a considerable distance.

Or you can still use the LAV and jump out at the LZ and use the SMAW

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With Sova, when you find him hanged Cooper has a confrontation with the officers, but then nothing happens and you cant cut him down. I suspect these people killed him - but is this a bug?

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i think if you get into confrontation with the soldiers by the hung dr sova you may in fact cause complications later on in the campaign. i may be wrong but when you need help from the locals they may not want to

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