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bad graphics performance - BiS confirm?

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Make it better BIS and allow me to be proud of you, damn it!

You should be proud anyway. They create the best milsim, in spite of all, in the all world.

I've been playing video games for more than 30 years. I witness the evolution of all game industry. BIS, and IMHO, made history in video gaming with the OFP and ARMA series. They will be remembered by what they have tried to create, not by the bugs or lack of optimization at the launch of their games.

For me when I heard something about Czech Republic what it cames to my head automatically, are three things: Prague, Franz Kafka and Bohemia Interactive Studios. Yes, I think you could (should) be proud of them.

---------- Post added at 06:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:28 PM ----------

Troubleshooting? Please don't make me laugh; I am not in a joking mood today:D. There are no real fixes here on this so called “Troubleshooting forum.†Anyways, I don't see you contributing much to this thread. Have I missed the part where you have helped out here? I did see you told someone that the patches would be ready when they were ready LOL - Is this what you would call helping out?

Is this thread asking for specific help?

Does the whole troubleshooting forum resumes to this thread?

Haven't people been helped in this part of the forum?

Yes you might have just missed a lot in this forum, and surely, in this community.

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Is this thread asking for specific help?

Does the whole troubleshooting forum resumes to this thread?

Haven't people been helped in this part of the forum?

Yes you might have just missed a lot in this forum, and surely, in this community.


No, this thread isn't asking for specific help - I think people have given up asking for help now, I think they realise there isn't any real help available. I could probably count on one hand the amount of people who have been helped out in this part of the forum.

No, I haven’t missed anything in this forum. I have infact tried all the so called fixes just like many others have, even doing some “crazy fixes†like installing a new OS for just one game. The problem is though like so many people have already mentioned none of these fixes work.

Also, I don't see how bis can fix a game like Arma1, (which took over a year of patches) then go on to bugger up their next game Arma 2. Surley the mistakes of Arma1 should have been learnt and fixed for Arma 2.

Who knows, maybe this game will be playable in 20 years time when we have super computers. I am still waiting on Bis to tell us what hardware they used to test this game?

Edited by Jackdaniels

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Droid, there is a difference betwen Microsoft and BIS, microsoft can do almost anything they want, because the are the major OS seller on the market, I think that around 98 - 98% of PCs are with some microsoft OS.

And start comparing microsoft to BIS is unfair for BIS, they are a small team, thyere product's target base of people (maybe I use bad words, I mean tactical players) is small, they dont have so much money like blizzard to test ArmA II on every PC seting that could exist.

But, hoever, even if they are a small team they do a better work in supporting the community and fixing the games unlike the ehm "profesionals" or "big" companies. Many people dont know about this long-time support. This is why there are 200+ spams topic about the same things and after they got closed, usualy the OP get very angry for no reason. Maybe BIS isnt repliing to your forum topic about some bugs, but that doesnt mean thatthey arent looking into.

Yes, ArmA II have problems on my computer, I wasnt expecting that it would work fine on the day of release, but ArmA isnt a 2 or 3 day game, It's a game that you enjoy for years and with the support of BIS I know that it will be fixed sooner o later.

So we pay 50 Euros for a "non-working game" (actually i can't get past the Razor Two mission in the campaign because it simply refuses to save) and we wait hopefully that they release a patch that will fix the problems. That's why they call them Dev team, because they should look into thes kind of bugs. Don't be mistaken man, BIS are now in the game industry and they wanted to release this game before OFP2 to kill competition but unfortunately because of sme marketing decision, thousands of players are feeling they have been robbed.

I'm not saying the game is bad, the game is good looking when it's working...

The list of bugs and errors that are obvious from the first minutes or hours of gameplay shoul have been fixed before the release!!

If they are really caring as you believe, why they release the Demo after the game release?????

Anyway that's definitely the last time i will buy aything from BIS even i played operation flashpoint, armed assault and now bug assault II..

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I am still waiting on Bis to tell us what hardware they used to test this game?

Been wondering this exact thing, because at this point I am willing to build it to spec exactly just to see if it would work.

To all self appointed defenders of BIS or actually have the game working;

Yes we are all bitching, because we are tired asking for help falling on deaf ears. Let us at least complain a bit! I believe all of us want this game to be a success, but at this point you have the same people coming back to these forums daily for absolutely no update news, which in turn our only recourse is to bitch! Or should I be asking the same questions twice?

The frame rate issue is just 1 answer a lot of us are waiting for. I have connection problems too, so it isn't just one thing for most of us.

Let's face it, if this was any other product i.e. a car, this product would be recalled for failure to preform at this point.

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I've personally had at least 15 people thank me for giving them suggestions that fixed the problems for them, and if you look you can find those posts, but they are burried deep in a sea of complaints. Oddly enough, whenever I tell people about this I always get a group of people saying "no, they're lying. It doesn't work for me which means it doesn't work for anyone else".

It's annoying that people can't get it working and people shouldn't have to have to use these workarounds, but flooding the troubleshooting forums with complaints doesn't actually "help" anyone, try posting your problems, posting that you couldn't find a fix, and wait patiently rather than trying to prevent anyone else from getting help.

And for people who keep complaining about the lack of communication, as I've said in the past, bis has stated they are

working on the problems in some threads, but due to floods of complaints they stopped responding, and as for not putting a possible date on a patch, goto Microsoft, crytek, codemasters, or any other developer and ask them for a patch release date, on the rare chance that you get any post from the staff it won't be anything beyond "when it's ready"

thank you all, continue with your sea of complaints now.

Edited by Bulldogs

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And for people who keep complaining about the lack of communication, as I've said in the past, bis has stated they are

working on the problems .

Please direct me to the thread that states they are working on the preformance issue, let me read for myself what bis have to say. Thanks!!

I've personally had at least 15 people thank me for giving them suggestions that fixed the problems for them.

You do know that 15 people isn't alot, dont you?

Edited by Jackdaniels

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I would but I didn't bookmark those threads and it'll take me days of searching to find those threads due to the fact that the forums turn over 2 pages of threads per day.

For anyone who wants to check out some possible fixes or contribute some, go here


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I paid 50 dollars for a digital copy of this game. I have 100% right to complain and so does everyone else. Just because you have nothing to complain about doesn't mean we do not. These post about complainers floods the forum just as badly.

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I'm not saying you don't have a right to complain, of course you do, you just don't have a right to prevent anyone else from getting help.

All I'm asking is that if you have a complaint, take it to the general forums, and leave the troubleshooting forums for troubleshooting.

Is that too much to ask?

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I would but I didn't bookmark those threads and it'll take me days of searching to find those threads due to the fact that the forums turn over 2 pages of threads per day.

For anyone who wants to check out some possible fixes or contribute some, go here


Well don't expect anyone to belive you if you cannot provide the proof of what you say. Anyways, I'm tacken the game back to the shop tomorrow, see if I can get me money back.

Edited by Jackdaniels

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Well don't expect anyone to belive you if you cannot provide the proof of what you say. Anyways, I'm tacken the game back to the shop tomorrow, see if I can get me money back.

Here's a few I found with a bit of searching :




Plenty more around if you bother to look for yourself.

Sorry you didn't have any luck with Arma 2, and good luck on your next venture.

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lot´s of people have been reporting problems with stuttering, flickering and bad performance in the game hence they have powerful hardware (above recommended). Problems seems to occour with both ATI and Nvidia GPU and regardless of Windows operating system.

The forums are now filled with workaround and optimization suggestions but as I see it there is no "magic cure". The game need to be fixed by some manhours over at BiS rendering in a patch.

I want to know if BiS has confirmed that they are aware of these problems and are working on getting them fixed? Anyone knows? I see the buglist that states confirmed AI/scripting problems but fixing those problems feels secondary to me and probably to the rest of the community that has these kind of "showstopper" problems.

The game should be playable with "default" settings, ingame and in video drivers just like most other games out there. Customers should not have to spend hours manually trying to fix stuff that should not be broken in the fist place..

game runs great... this is the troubleshooting forum not the ask and bitch forum , that would be general. most work arounds are for ppl who have more display than hardware... like a 24in LCD and ONLY one 260... not enough card for the display res....

I do not think Vista is to blame. I am using Vista x64 on my primary development computer and it is running great for me. You should definitely get better performance with the setup you have, as it is even superior to what I have. For comparison, my current setup is:

Intel Core 2 Quad 2.4 GHz

nVidia 8800 GT


Vista x64

It might be some incompatibility between some of your drivers or system components - this is really hard to tell.

there ya go jackbananas. anyhoo off to play more arma2 now, heres a hanky for your snotty nose. :0 Edited by kklownboy

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there ya go jackbananas. anyhoo off to play more arma2 now, heres a hanky for your snotty nose. :0

Not sure how to respond to the comment above really, other then to say don't give up the day job to become a comedian. Maybe just stick to what clowns are best at which is Making fools of themselves.

I do not think Vista is to blame. I am using Vista x64 on my primary development computer and it is running great for me. You should definitely get better performance with the setup you have, as it is even superior to what I have. For comparison, my current setup is:

Intel Core 2 Quad 2.4 GHz

nVidia 8800 GT


Vista x64

It might be some incompatibility between some of your drivers or system components - this is really hard to tell.

There are people on here that say they have done tests and that the Vista OS is the problem, yet here we have Suma saying that his game is "running great" on vista. Also, judging by this comment from Suma, it doesn't look like he thinks there is a performance issue, so does this mean then that we are stuck with a crappy frame rate?

Edited by Jackdaniels

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I'm with the fanboys- oops, I mean senior members. How dare you expect a finished and playable game for $50.00. These devs have it tough. You can't expect them to do their job and release a finished product when there's cash to be grabbed. Do you know how much time it takes to close all those nasty little vertices and polygons ?

A proper beta test would take too much time, best to let the paying customer beta test it for you, two birds with one stone and all that crap.

They'll release a patch (which may or may not fix your issues) in their own sweet time, but first they have to get started on ARMA 3. But if the patch does'nt fix anything, they can always blame the hard ware vendors. I mean really, its not as if programmers should be programming for the hardware- the vendors should be writing drivers for the applications. Hellooo, real world here.

<sarcasm off>

Edited by DarthElvis

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due to the fact that the forums turn over 2 pages of threads per day.

Kind of says it all for this game, huh? 2 pages in the Troubleshooting forum a day, Sad, but don't worry, they are working on our problem(s).

I'll believe it when I see it.

Anyone that can make it to the multiplayer screen sees the 100 or so lucky people that apparently get to play 1 map. If I can't play, the least I am going to do is bitch the 1 time a day I check this site for news, sorry, but it is what I do.

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Troubleshooting Forum.

You are right though, too many problems, reminds me of when Crysis was released... The Crytek troubleshooting forums turned over so fast you couldn't blink or you'd lose your post.

Well, since this is a troubleshooting forum, let's get back to the problem. Post your problems and we'll see if we can find a fix.

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I'm with the fanboys- oops, I mean senior members. How dare you expect a finished and playable game for $50.00. These devs have it tough. You can't expect them to do their job and release a finished product when there's cash to be grabbed. Do you know how much time it takes to close all those nasty little vertices and polygons ?

A proper beta test would take too much time, best to let the paying customer beta test it for you, two birds with one stone and all that crap.

They'll release a patch (which may or may not fix your issues) in their own sweet time, but first they have to get started on ARMA 3. But if the patch does'nt fix anything, they can always blame the hard ware vendors. I mean really, its not as if programmers should be programming for the hardware- the vendors should be writing drivers for the applications. Hellooo, real world here.

<sarcasm off>

We dont need you to tell how much work it needs to get a game like that working, for example a game like crysis was released after a beta-test and also let me remind you that we are customers and since we pay for a product (videogame in this case) it's supposed to be working properly.

If a beta test needs time so be it but its kinda weird to sell us a full version game while they do know that its not the case and that they will need to release several patches after the game release.

It was the case with OFP, with Arma and Now with ArmaII.

And why would they blame the hardware vendors while i can run a game like (Crysis Warhead COD5, COD4,RS6 vegas2, The Witcher without any major problems.

HElloooo, real world here!!!

If they're not ready they sould not release the game, period!!!

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Interesting, anyways, put it in the general forums.

Back to the troubleshooting.

Dickle, for the connection error, I'm sure you've tried disabling the Windows and router firewalls to test it (just windows for Lan obviously), but try editing your arma2.cfg file (under documents\arma2) and put this in at the top :

EDIT : Nvm, tested it, doesn't work.

As for the voice issue, not sure about that. I had a similar issue with one game that required me to kill the teamspeak and ventrilo processes but other than that I'm not sure.

BTW, still having trouble in a LAN? 'Cause in one post you seem to mention that you can't connect on a LAN at all then in the other you mention that you have no problems with LAN, just curious to filter down the problems.

Edited by Bulldogs

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Thanks for the feedback!

Yes. I eventually got the LAN to work. That Multiplayer screen is what seems to kill the game for me right now. It is hit and miss. As I explained before, I can pretty much host games, but can't join any.

Just curious, Can you see more than 100 people playing online?

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If im not mistaken, didnt these type of issues plage OFP too? It was finally worked out and became a legand. Be patient and thank jesus for BIS and their efforts in providing us with a milsim that will last for years.

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From what I hear, some people have their CPUs over heat and cause crashes and bad fps during the multiplayer game selection, so there's definitely something wrong with the multiplayer area.

From what I heard off the rumour mill, apparently there's some issue with the directx netcode when playing Arma 2, unfortunately there's nothing we can do about that until BIS take a look at it, if that is the issue.

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DirectX netcode? ArmA2 is back on directX netcode??

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No idea, someone mentioned it to me but they may have been referencing the same issues with arma 1

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