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God mode for testing missions.

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I did a search and found some very old threads from arma 1 saying god mode was disabled.

I was wondering if anyone knows a way to use godmode in the arma2 editor to test a mission.


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Just set your player character to a hostage (don't remove their weapons.)

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Just set your player character to a hostage (don't remove their weapons.)

I thought of that but the AI dont react to the player nor do triggers detect you as BLUFOR or OPFOR anymore.

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I don't think a god mode is necessary.

The way that I like is to change player as enemy side to stroll around area and check the positions. The objectives can always be checked via separate radio trigger.

(Of course one type could be useful with god mode and that is checking the "detected by" trigger functionality.)

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I don't think a god mode is necessary.

The way that I like is to change player as enemy side to stroll around area and check the positions. The objectives can always be checked via separate radio trigger.

(Of course one type could be useful with god mode and that is checking the "detected by" trigger functionality.)

Its a BLUFOR mission.

I have checked it as OPFOR but A godmode would really make it alot easier. Even as OPFOR if you shoot any OPFOR they will kill you.

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you could always use this...



Holy 5&%$ Loki :eek: thats awesome. I cant believe this slipped by me. Thanks alot bud.

EDIT: Well thats far too complicated for me, A readme would be nice. Anyone know an easier way to get godmode?

Edited by Redfield-77

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just put this in the player unit's initialisation field:

this allowdamage false;

you'll get shot to hell, but won't die.

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just put this in the player unit's initialisation field:

this allowdamage false;

you'll get shot to hell, but won't die.

perfect! thanks Turok :bounce3:

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