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More ArmA II than COD servers!

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Hi Russianguy192

I played three Excelent missions on the Zeus server todnight. A couple of CTF's and a large scale realism coop of a platoon assault on a town.

I think we can see why ArmA II is pulling in such a large number of gamers from other games.

Kind Regards walker

Yep, have to agree, i just hope it stays that way growing and growing and not see it soon decrease over time..

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well seeing as no u.s. citizen can go and buy a copy off of store shelves yet do you really expect arma2 to take off quite yet?

Edited by =SEALZ=Gen.***1cem@n***

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how many players can play on a COD server? Then think how easy to host them as well compare to ArmA 2 where most computers can barely play much less host (meaning dedi servers required) add to that length of time games have been released and with ArmA being a niche game, there will always be a significant difference between the two.

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Don't think I'd waste $60 a month for a new server if it was failing miserably, sure theres probs but cmon failing is over kill. Got German version this time as I did in ArmA1 an overall ArmAII is in a huge better spot play wise than ArmA1 was at this stage.

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Hi Rak

The thing about the COD audience is they are finding COD boring as they become older they are looking for something more advanced hense why ArmA II is taking its market share.

The COD franchise when it comes down to it is very stale now. The customers have seen it all before and the graphics and gameplay is almost antique.

Kind Regards walker

can't agree with that mate, sorry.


when modern warfare 2 comes out it will be as popular if not more popular than CoD4.

Treyarch developed CoD:waw (and cod 3)and was crap

Infinity Ward developed the more succesful CoD games like modern warfare (cod4), cod 2 and the origional.

Don't say CoD series is boring just because the last one by different devs was a flop

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This topic has brought me to a realization I've been long denying.

The OFP mission making community of old is diminished and perhaps in its death throes. With the advent of JIP, mission makers are now more focused on making huge MP drop-in drop-out respawn-o-matic type missions. Gone are the days when 90% of the collective community's focus was on creating smaller, story based single player and coop missions.

A shame really, but at least some percentage of mission makers are still creating these kinds of interesting story-based missions, which have always been my favorites. Thank god at least the realistic OFP/ArmA/ArmA2 system itself has largely not changed - and remains the ultimate platform on which to create the next story based masterpiece.

To me is was never about the number of servers but the ultimate immersive experience and palette for creation this series provides.

Anyhow, just an humble observation... not trying to stir the pot here or piss anyone off. :)

Edited by MadRussian

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It's mostly because it's much harder to design (read: design, not make. That is, what you do before you even open the editor and textpad) a small coop mission (not to mention a large one) that is based on realism and no respawns, and actually have it be playable and fun.

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Hi MadRussian

Mission makers have had ArmA II for maybe a month and you make such a sweeping statement. Masses of new coop missions are being made. Just check the user missions section of the forum. Also Check out Snake Mans whole PMC campaign which he has produced in what? About one month!

Have you actualy got ArmA II? Join one of the clans. Big narative coops are alive and kicking. :D

Kind Regards walker

Edited by walker

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Agreed... it takes a lot of thought and planning to come up with a small realistic no-respawn (or limited-respawn) coop that is fun and playable. Good call. :)


I hear what you're saying man. And I do have ArmA2. I'm not really much of a MP gamer (aside from having over a bunch of buddies for LAN gaming).

And I probably shouldn't be writing off the community like that. There are lots of single player and small coops still coming out... hell more than I even have time to play!

But I do stand by part of my statement - There has definitely been a shift in focus towards higher number of player missions and more PvP. That's bound to detract from the existing pool of mission making talent (from the kinds of missions I'm into).

Having said that, the more I think on it, the community itself is growing... so more mission makers to take a crack at all kinds of missions, including the kind I like! :)

Interesting thread!

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I think with Arma 2 being able to handle a huge amount of players (human and computer alike) compared to the previous titles alot of people want that bigger scale, more epic battles. Arma 2 has such scope that some of the moments playing the larger scale missions just make your jaws drop in awe. I know I have on occasion.

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