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How many ram use your Arma2.exe ?

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Max in the task manager around 300 Mb is this a normal value ?

Edited by EricFr

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Depends on how much you have?

Check the forum for posts about the -maxmem=**** command.

The **** is the amount of mem you allocate.

Arma II uses about 1.5 gigs of my 3.5 total, so it aint using it all. Saying that though, if it was using all your ram up, just rendering, it would not work well with all the AI. If you use the editor you are bound to push things in the AI department.

Otherwise, I dont know how else to help you.

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The game uses very little memory.... I have 3+ gb free and the game uses about 800mb to 1gb at most with the rest being used by the system.

Quite surprised how little memory is actually used... maybe if they used a bit more the performance would go up.


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  Yapab said:
The game uses very little memory.... I have 3+ gb free and the game uses about 800mb to 1gb at most with the rest being used by the system.

Quite surprised how little memory is actually used... maybe if they used a bit more the performance would go up.


Maybe, last time i checked Arma II was using around 1 GB but there wasnt any a.i. or scripts/functions or anything.

I have the impression that the game should have more data preloaded or something like this, when i first preview a mission in the editor i get high hard drive activity and stuttering for a while, when i preview this same mission a second time its smooth since all the world objects around me are already in memory?

I use Vista 32b with 3 GB of ram btw.

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Yes I think it should use more memory... not sure if this has anything to do with the fact that they also plan to release it on console (most console releases use very little memory on the PC as consoles have little!)

I can monitor my whole system in game as i have two monitors and the second monitor is always running various apps to show me system state... even in a big warfare game the memory didnt really go much past 1gb for ARMA2.exe.

EDIT- In saying that however... the game for me has very little "loading pauses" while playing... so I guess 1GB is enough for it to load the map and assets.


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Something strange here ?

warfare mission Arma2.exe use around 300Mb

Mem system use 800Mb

Free ram +1Gb

Pagefile use for Arma 900Mb

I've got 2GB Ram

-maxmem=2047 doesn't help

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