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No wonder I have AI problems, there are TWO VERSIONS of 1.02... Please help!

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No wonder I had unresponsive AI in Delaying the Bear, Badlands, Dogs of War.

I have the GamersGate version of the game and in the bottom right of the main menu I have version 1.02.58064 and then I read that there was a 1.02 hotfix and the most up to date version is 1.02.58134.

Can a dev or someone verify if I can install the 58134 over 58064?? I can't believe BI didn't post this somewhere more visible and its hidden in the depth of the forums. :(

Apparently 58134 fixes all AI problems in those missions and I would surely love to have a chance of playing them.

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No wonder I had unresponsive AI in Delaying the Bear, Badlands, Dogs of War.

I have the GamersGate version of the game and in the bottom right of the main menu I have version 1.02.58064 and then I read that there was a 1.02 hotfix and the most up to date version is 1.02.58134.

Can a dev or someone verify if I can install the 58134 over 58064?? I can't believe BI didn't post this somewhere more visible and its hidden in the depth of the forums. :(

Apparently 58134 fixes all AI problems in those missions and I would surely love to have a chance of playing them.

Why shouldn't you be able to install? That's a hotfix for 1.02. As long it's not the Steam Version

Edited by Von_Paulus

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Well because Gamers Gate just like steam version are "download" versions which lack the usual starforce piracy circumvension found on DVD versions of the game.

I tried, it gives an error message and does not install. I found a solution by downloading a clone-cd version off the web and using my good CD key and then just patched to 58134. I still have to use Yasu to get by starforce. But what can I do, 58064 AI is broken and BI hasn't issued any patches to Gamers Gate customers, i bought and paid in full for the game just like everyone else.

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Well, I am stuck in the beginning of the Manhattan mission.When I need to report to Cpt. Shaftoe, I find him lying on the floor, dead. Because of this, I can't do anything. Please, help me!

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it gives an error message and does not install

Are you SURE it didn't install?

As Von Paulus said - it's a 1.02 hotfix... because technically you already have 1.02 it DOES give a "version 1.02 already installed" message, but if you check the version number on the bottom right of the main screen it SHOULD have updated..

I'm not familiar with your particular "Gamers Gate" version, but I'd definitely give it another try... you have a legit copy, theres no reason why it shouldnt update..

I don't think theres any need to be forced into using pirated or cracked anything because of this particular issue... tho there are other issues for which I'm not so sure, as my sig tag attests...


Give it another try - ignore any "1.02 already installed" messages - check to see if the version number has changed... if not, it might be best to bring this to the attention of a Mod, who'll point you in the right direction...

Good luck, and let us know how it goes...


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Im running :58064 because :58134 wont overwrite.

It just says that the patch is already installed. I didnt think much of it though because I thought the 58134 build just added AA support. I could be wrong...

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I think this question is best dealt with in the Troubleshooting Section - try a search there and see if theres anyone else with the same problem with the patch - if not - start a thread... more people will notice the problem and respond if its in the right place...

Edited by Bushlurker

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Haha that hot fix doesn't "fix" the AI maybe improve somethings but expect a ton of headaches throughout the campaign its a bug filled solo game. Your going to have to wait for a another patch or two before we see some stable, smooth single player experience.

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