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Smooth transitions - Scope, head bob etc.

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This covers a two semi-related things:

I noticed that although I have headbob on, it only works un-scoped, it feels awkward and breaks up the immersion. For example, I'll be walking along and my head will be bobbing, but as soon as I lift the gun to my eye it stops. It'd be great if the headbob were still there, probably not for weapons with scopes, but ironsights at least.

Secondly, the transition from iron sights to non brings about a nasty FOV change that can only be fixed by double tapping the "-" key and using a far greater fov. This was fixed in the 1.14 patch for A1, why not in ArmA2?

They seem to be things that could be fixed easy enough, in my opinion at least. At the moment they break up the immersion a bit for me is all, thanks for reading.

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Well when you lift the gun to your eye (well you don't lift anything - the game camera repositions from your eye area to the gun area, as I have noticed) then you inevitably move slower.

When you move slower the head bob is reduced! It makes sense. You move slower IN ORDER to be able to look through your ironsights without injuring your eye or something.

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As things stand I think that you move TOO FAST when the scope is at your eye. To get those levels of stability you HAVE to be just about moving and no more !

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I've seen YouTube videos of people moving pretty darn quick "at the ready" and being very smooth. Admittedly they often aren't in full "battle rattle."

In marching band I've played a wind instrument at 4/5 or even 2/5 (No. of Steps / 5 yards) and every step is on a beat. It's still possible to play even when moving pretty quickly and it does take a stable head/upperbody.

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