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Dogs of War: Shot at during opening dialogue

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I'm sure I read in a thread regarding the Badlands mission that someone else had this problem: I begin the Dogs of War mission (I had to endmission badlands as after objectives achieved they were all reset to incomplete) and my guys stand around talking for around 10 seconds before there is an exchange between them some opfor 50 meters behind team leader resulting in a dead team Razor.

What's going on? Could anybody tell me how to avoid this so I can actually continue playing this game? This is now 3 missions in a row with a game-breaking bug and I don't want to have to endmission my way through the campaign as it will ruin the game for me.

I can't believe how poor this is. I love the gameplay of Arma 2, the campaign is ridiculous however, and I only bought this game for the SP aspect so it's no good to me as is. There's even a case to argue it is ILLEGAL for BIS to sell this game in the UK as it fundamentally fails to deliver it's intention as a product. Such a shame, as it would appear only a couple of months bug testing the campaign would of made this an amazing piece of work. Come on Bis...

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I'm in the same boat as you. Endmissioned Badlands due to the objective resetting (never got the cut scene with the priest talking to the farmers) and now i can't even get out of the dialog in Dogs of war. Keep getting killed.

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I kept loading this level and the team get shot pretty quick, you cant select them to tell them to 'hit the dirt'.

This level has do sorted for the next patch, and at least put another 20 seconds on the time.

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Same thing for me, when this map loads I get a message in the top right corner "the alliance between guerillas and blufor has ended" and find myself and razor team in the midst of a hostile base. Top drawer BIS.

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Same here. Thankfully I found the MP truly enjoyable after extensively practicing for a few hours last night in the mission editor and armory.

I think BI knows that ARMA 2 is really an MP game like Battlefield 2,COD 4, WAW etc. But they really should've tried better ESPECIALLY when you KNOW they can do a good job after seeing GREAT campaigns in Flashpoint and ARMA. I guessed they thought nobody will play ARMA 2 single player these days.

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So has anyone found a way around this without typing in endmission?

I tried and played Badlands another time and completed the level but that just takes me back to the mission select screen. I started the Dogs of war mission from here now but there wasn't any difference.

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This is unbelievable. Shame on Bohemia.Really.

I'm playing Dogs of War and up to now no problem. Apart I don't know how to reach the island to inspect the suspect activities. I don't have any helicopter........................How do I go there? Swimming?

It's unbelievable that at the beginning of the mission "someone" shoots at Team Razor.:confused:

Who the hell programmed the campaign?

Bohemia now it has been reduced to a low quality game producer.

On the other side, the mission Editor and AI programming remains top quality.

And a last thing: Bohemia programmers do not answer to posts in this forum. Why? Is there any publisher rule?

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Me as well, doesn't help that you can't select and command your men while the dialogue is being spoken - another ball's up amongst too many with this game. I can't believe this game has been released in this farcical state. Loved ofp, liked ArmA1 but ArmA2 in the state it is and the way the game under-performs on my top end gaming rig leaves me disappointed - not so much for myself - but for BI and the reputation that they are going to end up with.

For every 1 positive with this game I'm finding 2 negatives. I'm a strictly off-line gamer so the bugs really knacker it for me.

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So i found out i had just replayed Badlands thats why i couldn't advance. So i tried to play it one more time using the revert button. First time i used the endmission because the objectives reseted when i was finished. This time it worked but....

This time some idiot AI player captured the last town just as i was on the assassination mission. I wasn't given time to pull the trigger due to the dialog.

So tired of the campaign now that i give up. The Dogs of war mission is even bigger then Badlands and if they didn't test Badlands correctly there is now way Dogs of war is going to be any better.............

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